There should be a Prog Power Texas

I would love to do this as a local show, and maybe convince one big band to come out and play in our sandbox. I'm trying to consider ideas and IDEALS. The ideal would be a huge regional response from all the Texans and then know we'll have guaranteed ticket sales. But nothing is guaranteed.

I'd be happy enough to just buy two or three bottles of Cabo Wabo and have Roger make up his perfect Waboritas for everyone involved and consider that their food/catering! As cool and funny as that would be, that won't be enough.

I'd like to be meeting with these clubs' owners and talk to them face-to-face and get their feel and how their reactions would dictate the show's direction. But I just got off of lunch and am about to go to the shop floor and cover myself in cutting fluid, steel chips, burning rubber and welding smoke.

I understand that there's SO MUCH to consider and hope for and argue about and stress out about. I couldn't believe how taxing it was just to do my Dimebag Tribute way back when, and that was just four small bands! I also understand that this is DAY TWO of the idea. We're barely scratching the surface. This is like a bunch of drunks sitting around the lawnmover saying, "I bet I could get that sumbitch to 40 mph if you let me use yer tools."

Okay. I'ma go take care of my jobby-job shit. Y'all keep throwing ideas back and forth, and remember... look at this from a FUCKIN N00B standpoint. We're rookies. We're freshmen. We can't have the biggest float at homecoming the first try, but we can make the purdy-est, as long as we don't do it all in one weekend locked inside the garage filled with paint fumes!
As for club size, Glenn's right, we need to think smaller. Look at it this way, if we sell out and have to turn people away at the door - that's awesome!! Why? Because word will travel that the show sold out, that people couldn't get in, and everyone inside will see how crowded it is and remember that. This is where a bit of psychology comes in. Ever hear dieticians recommend using smaller plates to make the portions look larger?

And a more important reason to use a smaller venue is cost. While we don't have to rent the venue if we play our cards right, a smaller venue means smaller failures which equals much smaller losses. Not as many tickets, t-shirts, and wristbands are needed. No need for big expensive bands to draw a crowd that can fill the room, etc..
sh0kr0k said:
The bands had better not expect catering! :lol: I bought $50 worth of snack and water for the bands at Madfest and even set up a green room. They were delighted and had never been treated so well! Just like Glenn said, it's an extra cost that isn't necessary, but it does help you establish a good reputation of taking care of your bands.

My catering cost was $250 at PP I.
My catering/bar tab for this year was around $ 4,000.

Times change eh?
Bryan316 said:
We're rookies. We're freshmen. We can't have the biggest float at homecoming the first try, but we can make the purdy-est, as long as we don't do it all in one weekend locked inside the garage filled with paint fumes!

:lol: Nice analogy, Bryan. While none of us have pulled off what Glenn has, there are still a few of us that do have experience beyond a rookie-level. With our heads put together and our powers combined, we can achieve something really cool!! As long as we're all on the same page... and everyone's wearing their superhero tights.
I refuse to wear tights!!!!! I totally agree with what has been said, and i want to emphasize what Glenn has said in the past "QUALITY NOT QUANTITY.

Let's do this right.
I figured I'd chime in if that's ok. I have thought about doing this numerous times here in the past in Houston, as there are a great many local bands that would do very well. However, You're draws would be very dispersed according to which bands are playing the show. So you must treat it accordingly.... If anyone would like to contact me on this, feel free as I have no problem being involved in the logistics, I just have no interest at this point in doing the entire thing like the pre-party. I'd prefer not to go into too many details on a public forum, but i do know the bands, how much they draw(approximately), and some of the booking agents. I do feel that you should start it out smaller at say FBI 1, just to make sure that you don;t lose your arse. I'm almost positive venues such as the Meridian, and the Engine Room would have a rental fee involved...

FYI, I also play in Mindcrime along with Chris and Eric, so I'll see you Dallas folks Saturday night!!!!

I can't read this sentence without the image of a drunken Skeletor saying this:

"With our heads put together and our powers combined, we can achieve something really cool!"

It's worded so wonderfully. A supervillain can say a line like that and be a total badass.

How would you guys, from the interested bands so far, rate the necessity of at least a modest catering service/stocked fridge/barrel o' brew ? 1-5. I'd figure according to Glenn's taxi cab confessional that if a $250 food/booze plan were a minimum were provided would that be adequate? Would you be happy with a Jager Bomb on stage? Would you even care?

Also, how many of you interested band members have talked to fellow band members about this idea? Considering that this idea may be a full year away from fruition, or maybe 8 months down the line? Would it be competing with plans for album work, or already planned tours, or wives popping munchkins out of the oven, or weddings of people who rush the stage during Evergrey?

PM me if you prefer to keep it private, or just spill your guts for Oprah and her evil minions to see.
Bryan316 said:
Also, how many of you interested band members have talked to fellow band members about this idea? Considering that this idea may be a full year away from fruition, or maybe 8 months down the line? Would it be competing with plans for album work, or already planned tours, or wives popping munchkins out of the oven, or weddings of people who rush the stage during Evergrey?

PM me if you prefer to keep it private, or just spill your guts for Oprah and her evil minions to see.

8 months - a year actually works best for Dark Empire, we'll definitely have our 2nd album out by then, so thats when we'll need to be doing shows in support of it anyway. Also given how Jens and Noah are in other bands the heads up in advance helps a ton for scheduling (or finding conflicts therein).

edit: as far as catering, I can't speak for the other guys but all I really care about is some hot water for tea before the show and some water on stage during. I feel I have no business asking for more than that, but if you feel like stocking up on some beers for after the show, thats great too :).

edit #2: spoke to both Jens and Noah about this and they're up for it as well.

PM will be sent your way as well.
Cool idea. Maybe utilize a sponsorship system similar to Prog Power for more international acts and less $$$? My $.02.

There are plenty of people who are willing to sponsor a band they want to see for Prog Power, just read Glenn's thread. Why not offer the people who don't get the chance a similar system?
The stars at night
Are big and bright
*clap clap clap clap*
Deep in the heart of Texas!

I agree that this would be smashing. :D Only suggestion I'd toss in to the hat would be to have a full-on Texas BBQ to kick things off. You up for that J-Man?
13ShadesofGray said:
Only suggestion I'd toss in to the hat would be to have a full-on Texas BBQ to kick things off. You up for that J-Man?





Shit shit shit on a giant kabob cooking for 5 hours!!! Who's damned good with charcoal and hot sauce around here??? My Gawd... rent an enormous two-barrel smoker and park it outside and let that sumbitch smoke for a day....
Woohoo BBQ!!!! That'll take care of your catering or whatever right there. Not that any of the local texas bands will expect catering - I've been fed at a local show here only a handful of times, and I usually ended up regretting it the next day!

As for availability, I know Meyvn would be down for pretty much anything, anywhere, as long as we have a couple months notice. Most local bands will probably be the same way, since its a local show for them. It would be nice to do it maybe in the summer, so it doesn't occur right before or right after ProgPower USA...