There should be a Prog Power Texas

One of Sixx has been brought up alot by a lot of different people so i guess we will need to pursue them.

Sorry i have been a little slack the past day or two but work has been hectic and i have been trying to get it all out of the way. Next week will be better i promise.

I may have a few surprises in store. But don't hold me too them i have to do some more fast talking and hope it happens.

Don't worry about being slack. I've been in the fab shop every freakin day this week busting ass on a prototype design. My feet have just got to be demanding worker's comp from the rest of my boddy. My lower back just LOOOOVES me now. I was here til 9:45 last night. I can't wait til this thing is done and I can go back to being a desk jockey...

I hate to say this - living in Houston, but Deep Ellum is the COOLEST place in the state for music. It sounds like sh0kr0k is going to be the "Glenn" for this shindig. Is that right?? She's at least done some of this and has some connections in DE. I think a venue of 300 - 400 is PLENTY big. I'm sure the Houston bands will travel. DE is near downtown and the West End, not too far from the airport and there are a number of hotels/motels in the area.

I was thinking about mainly local/unsigned bands, but coincidentally enough, I am going to see both James Rivera and Chris Salinas tonite at different places. That would be Viscious Rumors/Helstar and Zero Hour. Just a thought. Whichever way this thing goes, this is a HELLUVA lot of work. Does everyone here know what they are getting themselves into??

I will be glad to help with the Houston logistics. I know most of the bands pretty well and James is a good friend of mine. sh0kr0k - IM me!!

Chris :headbang:
metropolisimages said:
Dont forget Helstar is from good ol H-town too. They just played at FBI#1 last month and sold it out. If you had a few of the bands mentioned playing there, I dont think it would be hard to reach capacity limit. Maybe not the meridian or warehouse live but something a little bigger than FBI#1. Just my opinion

Just a shout out from Prymary: We have been trying to put another show together with Stride in Houston and we would love to be considered for this festival. Sounds like a great time and we are all for making the trip from Cali again. I e-mailed John all our contact info and we'll see ... :headbang:
SavaVIDude said:
I hate to say this - living in Houston, but Deep Ellum is the COOLEST place in the state for music.
Indeed it is a rockin place for live music! I hear it's not quite what it used to be about a year ago, however we're working on some stuff to change that. Where there's a will, there's a way ;)

SavaVIDude said:
It sounds like sh0kr0k is going to be the "Glenn" for this shindig. Is that right?? She's at least done some of this and has some connections in DE.
John (Pyramaze51) & I are "Glenn"... We're a Yin-Yang tag team on this one.

SavaVIDude said:
I think a venue of 300 - 400 is PLENTY big. I'm sure the Houston bands will travel. DE is near downtown and the West End, not too far from the airport and there are a number of hotels/motels in the area.
There are so many things to consider when picking a city to host this in, however it really comes down to $$ and connections. If someone wants to put up the rental fee for a venue they are particular on, then by all means please do. Until then, we are relying on connections.. and favors!

SavaVIDude said:
I was thinking about mainly local/unsigned bands, but coincidentally enough, I am going to see both James Rivera and Chris Salinas tonite at different places. That would be Viscious Rumors/Helstar and Zero Hour. Just a thought.
Gah! I want to see Vicious Rumors quite a bit! My boss just said that they've been trying to get us (The Mustang Agency) to handle their booking. We popped in the cd and I about fell out of my Judas Priest chair! Unfortunately it's not my decision in the end, but I'm seeing how much weight I can pull over here. I already maxed out my pull for another band out of California that I know a lot of you *points to the chat room regulars* know all about: Hypnogaja! So yeah.. I want to see Vicious Rumors!! Too bad I'm absolutely no where near Houston. As for Helstar - \m/ !!! Good Suggestion!

SavaVIDude said:
Whichever way this thing goes, this is a HELLUVA lot of work. Does everyone here know what they are getting themselves into??
With as many people as we have working on this, the biggest nightmare I foresee is "too many cooks in the kitchen". We're not trying to make a PPUSA or Powerfest-sized event. Not at first. We're not flying in bands from Europe. We're not bringing in bands from further than a reasonable distance (maybe 1 exception) because we are relying on a local draw. We can do it. Hell, I did it myself just a few months ago. Glenn has done it. The Powerfest boys have done it. I've already learned a few lessons of "what not to do" and also of "what needs to be done", and everyone else on our team has successes and failures in one area or another too. There's no reason for this to be too much of a work load for any of us if we play our cards right and take it slow.
As for a name for this fest, avoid anything with 'Power' or 'Prog' in the name.

I'm not saying that to be a wise-ass; I've heard some honest confusion over "that ProgPower show in California" (called PowerProg, I think?) and in deference to Glenn and the ProgPower Europe folks (who started the concept originally), something different is needed for a name.
Pellaz said:
As for a name for this fest, avoid anything with 'Power' or 'Prog' in the name.

I'm not saying that to be a wise-ass; I've heard some honest confusion over "that ProgPower show in California" (called PowerProg, I think?) and in deference to Glenn and the ProgPower Europe folks (who started the concept originally), something different is needed for a name.
Don't worry that was one of the first things Tammy and i addressed and i think everyone involved, with respect to Glenn and Renee'(Progpower Europe) want to avoid any confusion.:headbang:
  • Like
Reactions: TX Metal Cowboy basically that Progpower is one man's vision. There is one chief. One person making decisions. And that is always the best end result. Entertainment shows are like movies...the director has a vision.......and then the producers step in and make changes and then the actors give their two cents, and then the cinematographer wants to try some things........and sooner or later, you have a mish-mash of ideas and visions up on the screen that turns into an incoherent mess.

I think ProgPower is successful because it is driven by one man who had the drive, discipline, and common sense to bring to life what was in his mind for a long time. He didn't have the contacts, he made them. He didn't have the money, he started small. He didn't have the help at first, he earned their help. He didn't even have the respect at first, and now he is basically world-renowned in this scene.

I am all for a Texas music fest...I live in Beaumont, an hour East of Houston. I am alll for it, trust me. But if I have learned anything in my life, it's that an event like this needs one person in charge who makes the decisions and has the vision. Everyone else can give their input, but needs to take a back seat to the promoter.

So ShokRok, if you are up to the task, it seems that there are a lot of people here who are willing to help......but if you are the promoter, please rule your vision with an iron fist and don't let too many other people influence you too much.

The biggest entertainment disasters in history were those trying to be everything to everyone, who had a committee of 20 people making decisions, versus just one. Remember, it is a business. It needs to make money. Therefore, your decisions have to logistically make financial sense as well.

Good luck and count me in. I know of at least 10 people in my personal life who will go to a metal fest in Houston......but I also know it needs a few bands that people know...Count me out if it is a bunch of local bands that I can't buy an album from at Laser's Edge or elsewhere. I can go see them anytime. Give me Solitude Aeturnus out of Dallas (new album in a month or so), give me a Galactic Cowboys reunion out of Houston, give me King's X(not a big fan here, but a big name), give me Zero Hour (theyre just down the road), give me Cea Serin (about two hours away), give me some bands that might be passing through the area like Nevermore or something....but of course that depends on the date. Set your date around a large band coming through the area as your headliner and then choose all of your support bands based on that time. Again, just a thought.

All I know, is that you need a draw. Really sit down and analyze what Glenn does and what some of these other fests are made of. That's the only way to be successful. I give you this serious advice because I want you to succeed here on a local (to me anyways) level. These are all the things I considered when I wanted to do a metal fest in Houston for the last few years. I just never had the ability to take the risk, so I wish you all the luck!
I am a business man at heart and I deal with audio/video setups and entertainment productions for a living, so count me in if you need some help for at least filming and/or advertising for the event.

Thanks for reading if you got this far.

Anakin Jason has a good point about the bands, although if it is a TX fest boasting TX bands then an outside outliner will be for vanity's sake rather than supporting the TX scene, which is something I think all involved want to do. As far as who is steering this massive thing, John and Tammy have been elected whether intentional or not. That is just the way the chips fell for good reasons in my opinion. But every captian(s) need a good crew.
sh0kr0k wrote:
Gah! I want to see Vicious Rumors quite a bit! My boss just said that they've been trying to get us (The Mustang Agency) to handle their booking. We popped in the cd and I about fell out of my Judas Priest chair! Unfortunately it's not my decision in the end, but I'm seeing how much weight I can pull over here.
If Vicious Rumors is shall I be! I will finally make the trek to Texas that I've talked about for years. I will spend some time in Austin while that music scene.
My advice for *anyone* that does a show:

*Always deliver what your promise regardless of how insignificant it seems at the time.
*Be up front on *all details,* even the bad ones (and there will be bad ones).
*Be professional with the little things as that gets you more notice than some of the big things.
*Always start small regardless of how "sure" you are. It's your money on the line, not the people telling you how great it will be.
*Listen to fan feedback, but don't let it run your show.
*Listen and trust your crew, but be prepared to over-rule when necessary.
*Listen to critiques, ignore insults.
*Be a total asshole when the situation calls for it.
Harvester said:
My advice for *anyone* that does a show:

*Always deliver what your promise regardless of how insignificant it seems at the time.
*Be up front on *all details,* even the bad ones (and there will be bad ones).
*Be professional with the little things as that gets you more notice than some of the big things.
*Always start small regardless of how "sure" you are. It's your money on the line, not the people telling you how great it will be.
*Listen to fan feedback, but don't let it run your show.
*Listen and trust your crew, but be prepared to over-rule when necessary.
*Listen to critiques, ignore insults.
*Be a total asshole when the situation calls for it.
Thanks so much for the advise, it is noted and stored. I believe that starting small in this case is the best thing to do, no matter how much people have been telling us this wil be great and you will have no worries. I have been saying to myself as i read these posts, and i am honest and humble and i say it with the utmost respect, "What would Glenn say or do in this situation". Thank you Glenn for:
#1 for providing a fabulous blueprint on how to run a festival
#2 providing input to try and help us
#3 For appluding us in our efforts and the support you have given even if by just words alone, it really means a lot to Tammy and I.
SavaVIDude said:
I hate to say this - living in Houston, but Deep Ellum is the COOLEST place in the state for music. It sounds like sh0kr0k is going to be the "Glenn" for this shindig. Is that right?? She's at least done some of this and has some connections in DE. I think a venue of 300 - 400 is PLENTY big. I'm sure the Houston bands will travel. DE is near downtown and the West End, not too far from the airport and there are a number of hotels/motels in the area.

Chris :headbang:

I like Deep Ellum, but there are quite a few places in Houston with the same atmosphere. The thing about putting it in Houston is, you will have a built in crowd immediately. Speaking from a Stride perspective, we're pulling in about 300 people on a show night, and Outworld, Mindcrime etc is doing about the same. Thus you've got an immediate impact from your fan base.

Also, seeing that there are bigger metal acts in Houston than the other cities listed, you would have to work alot harder to acheive the same results.

Warehouse or the Meridian are huge clubs that are based in Downtown. You would have all that Downtown offers such as Hotel's, clubs, restaurants, museums, etc, within walking distance. You've also got the Rail line to take you to many other destinations. Downtown Houston is a major party area and club district that would give so many extracarricular activities as well.

Just my thoughts.
Holy crap, a week later and you people are STILL throwing this idea around!


How much of Stride's fanbase crosses over to Outworld's and Mindcrime's and Zero Hour's? Like, how many of the same guys come to see any of these bands? Cuz if each band will pull in 300, I'd expect 1/2 to 2/3 of that audience to be shared by all the bands. So.... if we expected 200 dedicated fans of the Texas progmetal scene, and 100 per band in just those bands, would a 600-700 head venue be a decent target for now?

And for a name... UGH. I dreaded this part of the deal.

Lone Star ____?

The Texas Guitar Massacre? I could draw up a cartoon of Leatherface holding a battle-axe guitar...

Shredders Anonymous? "Hello, we're Outworld, and we're addicted to shred." "HELLO OUTWORLD."

Everything's Metal in Texas!

Houston's Heavy Hitters? (hi Tammy! *snicker* )

I got nothing else that doesn't sound cheesy as fuck. Sorry.