There should be a Prog Power Texas

Anakinnnn said:
Count me out if it is a bunch of local bands that I can't buy an album from at Laser's Edge or elsewhere. I can go see them anytime. Give me Solitude Aeturnus out of Dallas (new album in a month or so), give me a Galactic Cowboys reunion out of Houston, give me King's X(not a big fan here, but a big name), give me Zero Hour (theyre just down the road), give me Cea Serin (about two hours away), give me some bands that might be passing through the area like Nevermore or something

And who's bank account is going to cover this?

Pellaz said:
Never mind Solitude Aeturnus; Ghoultown is back together! :heh:

That's Lyle from Solitude Aeturnus' other, "royalty-paying" band. ('Cause Ghoultown is on BMI, who pay; Solitude is on ASCAP, who don't.)

Quite frankly, I love both! One of the guys in Solitude Aeternus was at the Mindcrime show on Saturday. Shane sparked my interest on that one. And Ghoultown just rocks! They had a cd release party a few weeks ago, but unfortunately I had to miss it.

But here is my issue - I want bands like Ghoultown, Shadow Reichenstein, etc.. but it seems everyone thinks this is going to be just a Prog & Power metal show. If we are going to be that selective on genre then someone better cough up the $$ to import some acts, OR we start off like every good fest does: small and well-planned. Therefore we will rely on a local draw. Since, sadly, there are not 150+ prog & power metalheads in a 100 miles radius of Houston or Dallas that we can count on to be there, we'll have to diversify the lienup to reflect the local scene. Period. If you want a big national or an expensive regional band: Put up the $$ and we'll make it happen. In the meantime, we are looking forward to the future and are open to all possibilities. You never know what might happen so keep watching!! ;)

TheWhisper said:
sh0kr0k wrote:

If Vicious Rumors is shall I be! I will finally make the trek to Texas that I've talked about for years. I will spend some time in Austin while that music scene.

I hear they're expensive. Would love to have them though...

Harvester said:
*Always start small regardless of how "sure" you are. It's your money on the line, not the people telling you how great it will be.
*Listen to fan feedback, but don't let it run your show.
*Listen and trust your crew, but be prepared to over-rule when necessary.

:cool: Thanks, Glenn! Especially for these 3.....

Bryan316 said:
Lone Star ____?

Lone Star Rock Fest
Lone Star Metal Fest

*strokes imaginary beard* Hmm....
Outlaw Metal Fest.

I wouldnt' touch Lone Star. Be worried about confusion with the damn restaraunt.
I got it!

Lonestarr! And his sidekick, Puke!


Barf, Puke, whatever!

Where's my money?


I really do need to stop watching this movie all the damned time...
sh0kr0k said:
But here is my issue - I want bands like Ghoultown, Shadow Reichenstein, etc.. but it seems everyone thinks this is going to be just a Prog & Power metal show. If we are going to be that selective on genre then someone better cough up the $$ to import some acts, OR we start off like every good fest does: small and well-planned. Therefore we will rely on a local draw. Since, sadly, there are not 150+ prog & power metalheads in a 100 miles radius of Houston or Dallas that we can count on to be there, we'll have to diversify the lienup to reflect the local scene. Period. If you want a big national or an expensive regional band: Put up the $$ and we'll make it happen. In the meantime, we are looking forward to the future and are open to all possibilities. You never know what might happen so keep watching!! ;)

I am with you on diversity Tammy, and Shadow Reichenstein would be kick ass!! I hadn't even realized they were from TX!:cry: Shame on me!!:ill:
But here is my issue - I want bands like Ghoultown, Shadow Reichenstein, etc.. but it seems everyone thinks this is going to be just a Prog & Power metal show. If we are going to be that selective on genre then someone better cough up the $$ to import some acts, OR we start off like every good fest does: small and well-planned. Therefore we will rely on a local draw. Since, sadly, there are not 150+ prog & power metalheads in a 100 miles radius of Houston or Dallas that we can count on to be there, we'll have to diversify the lienup to reflect the local scene. Period. If you want a big national or an expensive regional band: Put up the $$ and we'll make it happen. In the meantime, we are looking forward to the future and are open to all possibilities. You never know what might happen so keep watching!!

I agree 150% on this issue we do need to diversify alittle, and expand the genre of the show, make it for everyone.
Harvester said:
My advice for *anyone* that does a show:

*Always deliver what your promise regardless of how insignificant it seems at the time.
*Be up front on *all details,* even the bad ones (and there will be bad ones).
*Be professional with the little things as that gets you more notice than some of the big things.
*Always start small regardless of how "sure" you are. It's your money on the line, not the people telling you how great it will be.
*Listen to fan feedback, but don't let it run your show.
*Listen and trust your crew, but be prepared to over-rule when necessary.
*Listen to critiques, ignore insults.
*Be a total asshole when the situation calls for it.

I think it'd be a great idea to bounce the roster back and forth. Prog - thrash - power - metal - prog - thrash... keeps the audience guessing, and keeps the show from getting stale.

But that also depends on the size and scope of the show, once we get down to it. It'll have to be decided upon, once we know how long the show will be. That depends on the venue and what they're also interested in. Do they want a really early start time like 5 in the afternoon, allowing us to build a show with ten bands? Do they want a usual 8pm doors time so they don't have to come to work early that day, so we're limited to how much we can fit into a 6-hour timeframe? Do we get a Friday-Saturday double-header and can really spread ourselves out?

Still lots of questions. Time needs to be spent at the venues mentioned, club owners interviewed and interrogated, total list of bands interested needs to be tallied...

FUCK being stuck in Detroit. GRRR.
No tellin' right now if the fest will be one day or two. We have some cool stuff we're working on, and a few surprises too ;)

The input it awesome guys, keep it comin'!!

and I'm happy I got a second vote for Shadow Reichenstein! Don't feel bad about not knowing they are from Texas, their profile doesn't say, but they have done a ton of shows in Deep Ellum, and the singer's personal profile is listed in TX :)
13ShadesofGray said:
Think we could get these guys?


While that would be cool, I remember reading recently on Blabbermouth that Vader and Skywalker were having "musical differences." Vader wanted to move in a heavier, darker direction, and Skywalker wanted to pursue a more uplifting, melodic style.

Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... my suggestion for the name of the festival (if Tammy is still taking suggestions... ha!)


Of course, this would require the event to be held in October... but that's not such a bad thing.
Thorn23TX said:
Oh, and while I'm thinking about it... my suggestion for the name of the festival (if Tammy is still taking suggestions... ha!)


Of course, this would require the event to be held in October... but that's not such a bad thing.

You know.. that's not half bad!
Thanks, man!
sh0kr0k said:
and I'm happy I got a second vote for Shadow Reichenstein! Don't feel bad about not knowing they are from Texas, their profile doesn't say, but they have done a ton of shows in Deep Ellum, and the singer's personal profile is listed in TX :)

I figured since they have a show posted in Alice, TX of all places they had to be from here!! I only know where Alice is because my Mom was born there :lol: