There should be a Prog Power Texas

TX Metal Cowboy said:
I figured since they have a show posted in Alice, TX of all places they had to be from here!! I only know where Alice is because my Mom was born there :lol:

Well maybe you can help me out cuz I don't have a clue! LOL! I think I'll skip it though. Last month, Shadow told me that they have a Deep Ellum show around Halloween. I asked him yesterday and turns out they are playing at Club Clearview on Oct 28th! :cool: Maybe I'll see you there?
Someone recommend a good underground Texas death metal band... there are a million around, but I want to know who you think is the best. And I'm not asking for bands on major record labels.. I already know those names. I've consulted the TXDM too but I still want input.

Don't worry, this isn't going to turn into a death fest. There might be one or two, depending on how many days we plan. But I'm mostly asking for another reason :lol:
Dang you guys are really making me mad, i can't make it from El Pisso to Houston for the show, so i require a detailed account of how the show was. PLEASEEEEEEE

Pyramaze51 said:
Dang you guys are really making me mad, i can't make it from El Pisso to Houston for the show, so i require a detailed account of how the show was. PLEASEEEEEEE


Well for starters it will kick ass :headbang:

Can't wait to see both Six Minute and Magistral, its been too long!!:cry:

and of course ZH!!
TX Metal Cowboy said:
Chris you dummy its me Rusty!! You know from ProgPower...Jerry's friend!!
Of course you'll be wearing a Savatage shirt!:lol:


Hell - I can't even remember my own name; so how do u expect me to keep up with screen names?? I'm supposed to be at a Halloween party with Jerry, but I'm starting out at FBI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! C-ya there!!

Chris :headbang:
TX Metal Cowboy said:
I think Weaken The Adversary is an outstanding atypical death metal band!

There is also, and yes I'm serious, Burning Midget out of College Station

As for the Shadow show, I'll be attending the Zero Hour show @ FBI that day!

Ah, now that's what I'm talking about! Weaken the Adversary are a great suggetion, thank you! :headbang:

I'll listen to Burning Midget some other time when I don't have work to do. Their profile keeps freezing my system :zombie:
Just a quick update for everyone....

The fest will likely be the second year of my event from this past June in Michigan called MADFEST. I'm moving it to Texas anyway, so why not combine the ideas and save me from having to do two fests in a year :ill: What do ya'll think of then name? MADFEST 2007 ... some say it's generic, but on the other hand it's catchy, short, and simple so people remember it AND it doesn't limit us to genre or state. Plus, the name has been out since March and the success of the first event made it's reputation start off on the right foot. People in Michigan will be pissed, but if ProgPower can move down south, so can MADFEST :)

Also, we are looking at venues in Houston since we think that will be the best place to hold the event. What do you guys think about it being in Houston?

One more thing.. with ProgPower being later next year, we will lilkely hold our fest earlier in the summer, as opposed to after PPUSA which was the original idea. While it would be nice to give people a reason to travel to the warm south during the cold winter months, putting it in November would be too soon after PP, and to close to Christmas. So, likely late June or early July. What do ya think??!

Just a quick update for everyone....

The fest will likely be the second year of my event from this past June in Michigan called MADFEST. I'm moving it to Texas anyway, so why not combine the ideas and save me from having to do two fests in a year :ill: What do ya'll think of then name? MADFEST 2007 ... some say it's generic, but on the other hand it's catchy, short, and simple so people remember it AND it doesn't limit us to genre or state. Plus, the name has been out since March and the success of the first event made it's reputation start off on the right foot. People in Michigan will be pissed, but if ProgPower can move down south, so can MADFEST :)

Also, we are looking at venues in Houston since we think that will be the best place to hold the event. What do you guys think about it being in Houston?

One more thing.. with ProgPower being later next year, we will lilkely hold our fest earlier in the summer, as opposed to after PPUSA which was the original idea. While it would be nice to give people a reason to travel to the warm south during the cold winter months, putting it in November would be too soon after PP, and to close to Christmas. So, likely late June or early July. What do ya think??!


Hmmm... good to hear the planning on this is moving along... but I'll throw in 2 cents and say that traveling to Houston right in the middle of hurricane season and in the heat and humidity of July may not be the most attractive idea for some. Plus, if you are looking beyond having strictly local bands, a summer event could create scheduling conflicts in terms of bands already being booked for European festivals...
Hmmm... good to hear the planning on this is moving along... but I'll throw in 2 cents and say that traveling to Houston right in the middle of hurricane season and in the heat and humidity of July may not be the most attractive idea for some. Plus, if you are looking beyond having strictly local bands, a summer event could create scheduling conflicts in terms of bands already being booked for European festivals...

We welcome all 2 cents, but just so you know, so we do not in any way conflict with PROGPOWERUSA after talking with Tammy we decided to try for a summer date. We do realize that this is hurricane season, but god willing it will be okay.
Now as to the artists, this first year we will be keeping it and all Texas band event. Looking to have OUTWORLD, MEYVN, SIX MINUTE CENTURY, FAIR TO MIDLAND, STRIDE and a few others. We are hoping and initial plans are for a two day event, and to make the price so appealing you can not afford not to come. Hopefully, this will be a win/win for all involved, and then next year go beyond and try for the international appeal.

So bear with us as we get this in gear and hopefully we will see as many of you as can make it there, and who knows we might even offer something special for our Progpower Brothers and Sisters.
Just so everyone knows, none of those bands have been confirmed.

Also, while we want to try to keep it as Texas-oriented as possible, it's not a rigid rule.

So don't yell if we come up with an out-of-state band, or one that's not on John's list.. kk? LOL!

*Edit: Just c.m.a. my friends...