There should be a Prog Power Texas

Hmmm... good to hear the planning on this is moving along... but I'll throw in 2 cents and say that traveling to Houston right in the middle of hurricane season and in the heat and humidity of July may not be the most attractive idea for some. Plus, if you are looking beyond having strictly local bands, a summer event could create scheduling conflicts in terms of bands already being booked for European festivals...

Hurricane season doesn't really warm up for the Western Gulf until at least August, so a June or July show has a very slim chance of being disrupted by a tropical weather event.

Also, South Texas has heat and humidity 11 months out of the year, so it would be difficult to schedule an event that would not be...warm...

Overall...sounds like this thing is shaping up...good to hear...

Count me in as a supporter of MADFEST 2007!

Rock on!
I hope everyone remembers that the original idea WAS just a Texan Prog show. To highlight bands from that region for a themed prog/power night. And I agree, it shouldn't be open to ONLY Texan bands, but I think that for the first attempt, we'd have a really powerful setlist even if it was only Texan bands. And there's plenty of years to come to expand!

I feel so out of the loop cuz work's been kicking my ass and I haven't even been able to respond to regular posts on this forum, let alone get back in here and read everything I missed. I'll try to catch up with all you guys soon.
Also, South Texas has heat and humidity 11 months out of the year, so it would be difficult to schedule an event that would not be...warm...

Ozzy had the right idea by having buckets of water on stage! Too hot? SPLASH

I'd show up NOT wearing my most favoritest shirt just so somebody CAN spray me with a garden hose! Kinda like a GWAR thing. Come to the Texan Prog Jamboree Barbecue Swap Meet and Tractor Pull, and go home sopping wet!

Can we fit in a tractor pull in the venues down there?
All I know is, if it's gonna be a "Texas" fest, there damn well better be a big-ass barbecue included in there somewhere! :kickass:
All I know is, if it's gonna be a "Texas" fest, there damn well better be a big-ass barbecue included in there somewhere! :kickass:

It's in TEXAS so you know there will be a BBQ in fact:

Texan Prog Jamboree Barbecue Swap Meet and Tractor Pull:kickass:

Just kidding it will be called MADFEST 2007
I am gonna be honest this sounds pretty awesome, so you might have to count in a certain Biffle!!

Oh we are SOOO banning you from the building. :lol: We'll put WANTED posters with your avatar everywhere. "If you see this goofy lookin guy, get him drunk before he gets in." :loco:

I need more sleep. UGH. Getting silly as Willy and it's only 10:53am.
Umm. I recommend not using that poster. University of Texas might come after you for stealing their logo?
Oh noes!! Color me a Yankee, but I don't know what you mean... :oops: :oops:
Is it something about the steer's head?? Should I change it??

I really don't know.. I just thoguht it was a "typical" Texas symbol :cry:

I'm a transplanted Yankee too, so don't feel bad. Sometimes I feel like I'm in another country. ;)

I didn't realize it at first, but Cheiron is correct that is UT's logo.

I really like the idea of a longhorn being part of the Texas Madfest logo though.
Yeah I didn't mean to sound abrasive btw. Perhaps you didn't know. I know that a lot of schools are very protective of where their logos appear.
Not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased... not gonna get biased...
