There should be a Prog Power Texas

Thanks for all the awesome ideas, guys!

I don't think people are diggin' the concepts though.. should we try a different direction? Perhaps more modern, clean, and streamlined. I think I'd like that better, too.

What do you think?

Actually...the creativity of some of the ideas flowing here are totally kick ass...

It's a metal show, so I don't think we need to be too concerned with doing things "over the top", ya know?

Rock on!
I think that some imagery of Texas is fine, as long as it is used sparingly and properly, since the fest will be held in Texas, and the name Texas will be in the fest's title. I think the use of the longhorn skull is the best image to use...skulls are metal.:headbang:

...but what do I know.:)
I agree completely. The lack of replies led me to believe that we were on the wrong path. Personally, I like them all.

Well it isnt that the logos are bad, but I think they could be way better. I also think that one skull should be used. The imagery should definitely be used, but not a lot of it.
Here's different versions of just the logo:

I like the three logos a lot! Especially the 3rd one!

Still, my favorite is the very first one you put up.... it's the star.
It's "just Texas enough" :)

I'm going to use that one, the three logos you just posted, Ripperjack's, and I'm waiting to see what Colleen and Mosquito are working on :) Until we see Colleen's rendering of the longhorn, hold off on making any more, Bryan. If it's anything like I've heard, you'll likely be inspired.

Once we settle on a logo, I'll redo the myspace layout to match. In the meatime, pardon the color scheme flaws :p

This is likely the logo we'll be using. I'm in love with it.

Quick update: We've been talking to FBI 1 in Houston and they are interested in hosting the fest in their venue! Nothing is official yet, but as soon as we get the green-light, we'll announce the dates!

Also, the line-up is shaping up to be pretty nice. I think you guys will be happy! In an effort to not jinx myself, I don't want to spill the beans yet. Though I'm dying to tell you guys! LOL!

You guys are the best! Thanks for all the love!
SWEET!!! Absolutely love the layout and color choices, so horns up job Justin! Only constructive comment I'd make about it is possibly giving it some more depth of field. It's prompted yet another new idea for the longhorn idea I had earlier. lol Okay, I'll be getting something to you very soon, Ms. Madfest. :)

(edit: mean absolutely no offense, as I truly think it's a gorgeous design.)