There should be a Prog Power Texas


Very simple, elegant, and quite easy for printing/silkscreening/modifying in the future. Even changing colors from year to year, updating the year under the name...

Now does it look better being a straight line, long and thin, or if you stacked each word on top of each other? A shorter, thicker layout?
So some friendly advice.

Make two versions of the logo. Or more. Different sizes for different uses, and see how they come out.

What you want to consider is what the logo will go on. For example, the current way the text is might not show up great on a T-shirt. But that's something you can ask whoever you go with to print shirts. And, you can always make a version of it for shirts, with an easier to print 'texture.'

It looks good by the way ;)

I look forward to hearing the lineup.
The white pinstriping around the letters will automatically take care of printing on shirts. It highlights the letters and lets whatever interior color to be, even dark colors, and it'll look fine. The gentle fading from light to dark looks perfect.

I know that this is a very elegant, professional, and clean-cut logo. I was shooting for something more bold, more aggressive, and more... arrogant? Cocky? What's the word... well, to represent the Texan attitude, you know, everything's BIGGER kinda thought.

Now how does this look over a Texan flag/map?
Okay guys, what do you think of this one, created by Mosquito! :)


I love everything about this image...except...

There should be an outline of the state behind the 'x' in Texas instead of the rather X-men looking "X"... change that and you have a solid logo!!!
Well, to all who are posting on this thread and are interested in "TEXAS MADFEST 2007" The above logo submitted by Justin is now the logo for our little venture.

In a few weeks we are going to make an announcement of the lineup and I think it is going to blow people away, with that said, I will say that before we make any announcement of the line-up Tammy and i have to run it by Glenn and Shane out of respect for them and their Shows, just to make sure there are no conflicts. I think this lineup once confirmed will be awesome, with a couple of surprises that i think will make a lot of people happy.

So stay tuned to this channel for more news.

We almost have the venue and dates!! Once that is in place, everything else will begin to come together more quickly. Kinda hard to plan when you don't know when and where...

I can't wait to reveal our line-up!! :hotjump:
Congrats on the undertaking. This has been an interesting thread and very educational about putting on a festival show. Good luck.
I'd hope this thread would get some people off Glenn's back! You know what I mean... all the nay-sayers, the H.M.B.'s, the guys who complain that because the band they wanted isn't there this year or that, they won't go to the festival, blah blah blah...

It's impossible to please everyone all the time. Hell, it's almost impossible to please anyone anymore! Just look at any Matt Barlow Vs. Ripper Owens thread!

I would like to make a huge ass-kissing post here, and kiss Pyramaze51's ass, cuz this guy's incredibly dedicated to making sure this idea fuckin ROCKS. Not works, not gets going, not break even, ROCKS. So many people have been bombarding this thread, and I immediately got shell-shocked and nearly scared off from this idea, but John said, "It's aboot time!" Now that he's got Tammy down there living in Tejas and her evil magic can be weaved into this battle plan, I know she's gonna get this thing sold out on Day One. I know her word-of-mouth skills first hand, and she and John have a very focused attack on getting the bands, making them happy, and then getting the audience they want.

Still scares the shit outta me that it's all my fault! And some people tell me to keep my big mouth shut... :D
Thanks for the accolades Bryan, but to be honest Tammy is the one driving me to get it done, and i just follow her lead, of course she is a slave driver, and she makes you want to do your best. We are moving along slow though it may seem to alot of people but we are moving. We have some awesome help also. Of course there is you who got us started, and motivated thanks My brother. Then there is Mosquito(Justin) for the kick-ass logo, and to Mike Martin from STRIDE, and Drew Creel from MEYVN who have offered their help and ideas Thanks guys you guys ROCK!!! And to all who have posted on this thread and submitted ideas and even just thoughts, we appreciated them, and whether we acknowledge them or no Tammy and I both do look at them and discuss them. And finally to Glenn and Shane for providing much needed guidance into "WHAT NOT TO DO", and the things to be careful about, thank you so much.

Lastly, we want to thank everyone who have posted here and to thank you for your support, you don't know how much it means to us.
We hope to announce the dates and venue within a short time, and to follow that with the lineup so stay tuned for more info.

To Bryan, Man You rule Dude.
I'll have to look at the cost aspect. But with Zero Hour, Outworld and Meyvn playing I might consider hopping on a plane and coming to Texas. I really would.