There should be a Prog Power Texas

Hell, get Ghoultown. :heh:

% There's a killer in Texas / A killer in Texas..... %

It was considered, to help showcase a vvariety of talent from the state and to help broaden the genre scope. I doubt it will happen though. At least not this year.. How about everyone come to Dallas for New Year's Eve and check out both Ghoultown and Shadow Reichenstein at the same time! :heh:
Apparently they have some following cuz you and I like them!:loco: I would love to go to that show but as of right now I have to work.:mad: I already have joined the order!!:zombie:

Aren't SA working on something new, if not they should be!!

I really don't know... they were recommended to me twice.
S O L I T U D E - A E T U R N U S - The official doomsite
BNR Metal Pages -- Solitude Aeturnus
Solitude Aeturnus - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Solitude Aeturnus just released their new album "Alone."

I think it's the best thing they've ever done...

Rock on!
I am really getting into Ghoultown, they are so frigging unique.
"'The true tequila-guzzlin' sounds of Texxxas!' exclaims Razorcake Magazine, which sums up the music and attitude behind Texas-based Ghoultown. Their unique heavy western sound has brought attention from both fans and press alike. Since their debut in 1999, Ghoultown's dark western dirges and unmistakable presence have found their way into four CD releases, numerous compilations, movies, short films, a comic book and even a video game."
They are quite good, even if they are a doom band :lol: Seriously though I saw them at Robb's Metalworks Showcase last year, they were decent after their long hiatus. The new song sounds really good though...

It's official - I am in love with Solitude Aeturnus. I like Doom metal, but these guys aren't doom, imo.** Here's a little tidbit to snack on - We're heavily considering them for the fest - BUT your input does help. You guys are a valuable sounding board for us. Keep in mind we want to have a fest that embraces various styles of rock and metal, but with bands that compliment eachother. With the rest of the roster we're thinking of, I'm fairly sure SA would fit in perfectly!

**Paramaecium defines doom metal in my book! Naturally the songs on their myspace are their more doom/death combo songs. While I was there, I saw this (I had NO idea!):
"The band has now performed its last show as Paramaecium in Oslo Norway in November 2006. The band has changed its name to inExordium and the official MySpace page is here - become a friend today:" One of my favorite doom bands of all time, and after 13 years of being fan, I never did get to see them live :erk:
It's official - I am in love with Solitude Aeturnus. I like Doom metal, but these guys aren't doom, imo.** Here's a little tidbit to snack on - We're heavily considering them for the fest - BUT your input does help. You guys are a valuable sounding board for us. Keep in mind we want to have a fest that embraces various styles of rock and metal, but with bands that compliment eachother. With the rest of the roster we're thinking of, I'm fairly sure SA would fit in perfectly!

**Paramaecium defines doom metal in my book! Naturally the songs on their myspace are their more doom/death combo songs. While I was there, I saw this (I had NO idea!):
"The band has now performed its last show as Paramaecium in Oslo Norway in November 2006. The band has changed its name to inExordium and the official MySpace page is here - become a friend today:" One of my favorite doom bands of all time, and after 13 years of being fan, I never did get to see them live :erk:

SA would be great to have on Madfest. John Perez is a great guy. I have met him and talked with him a few times after, though I doubt he would remember me. Definitely go for it!

:OMG: Paramecium is outstanding! I have not had the pleasure of seeing them live either but I did see Mortification with Jayson right before he formed Paramecium. Their music will seep into your very bones!
SA would be great to have on Madfest. John Perez is a great guy. I have met him and talked with him a few times after, though I doubt he would remember me. Definitely go for it!

:OMG: Paramecium is outstanding! I have not had the pleasure of seeing them live either but I did see Mortification with Jayson right before he formed Paramecium. Their music will seep into your very bones!

Man, I haven't seen Mortification either, yet they've been one of my faves too... I guess it's not in my path to see incredible Australian death metal, eh?

Thanks for the input on Solitude Aeturnus! It's not certain yet, but "all signs point to 'maybe'" :cool:
It's official - I am in love with Solitude Aeturnus. I like Doom metal, but these guys aren't doom, imo.** Here's a little tidbit to snack on - We're heavily considering them for the fest - BUT your input does help. You guys are a valuable sounding board for us. Keep in mind we want to have a fest that embraces various styles of rock and metal, but with bands that compliment eachother. With the rest of the roster we're thinking of, I'm fairly sure SA would fit in perfectly!

If you're looking for more feedback for SA...then I would say YES!

They would be the band that would totally cinch it for me...

Rock on!
Umm, I'm assuming that Lyle is still involved with Ghoultown/S.A.....
I know him quite well -- Ghoultown has played 'my' festival several times -- if you'd like me to contact him for ya.
Umm, I'm assuming that Lyle is still involved with Ghoultown/S.A.....
I know him quite well -- Ghoultown has played 'my' festival several times -- if you'd like me to contact him for ya.

Please do Paul, I would love to have them, as i think they would provide something unique and totally different, and would make tons of new fans. I say this as we are having a hard time with one of the bands we want. But needless to say, we are well on the road to annoucing the venue, dates and lineup. Maybe in the next week or two. Plus we aren't arguing over taxi fares and pizza either, hehehehehehehehe had to throw that in.:heh: :heh: :headbang:
It's official - I am in love with Solitude Aeturnus. I like Doom metal, but these guys aren't doom, imo.** Here's a little tidbit to snack on - We're heavily considering them for the fest - BUT your input does help. You guys are a valuable sounding board for us. Keep in mind we want to have a fest that embraces various styles of rock and metal, but with bands that compliment eachother. With the rest of the roster we're thinking of, I'm fairly sure SA would fit in perfectly!

Chances are, if you do book Solitude Aeturnus, I will do everything in my power to fly out to Texas for the show.
Chances are, if you do book Solitude Aeturnus, I will do everything in my power to fly out to Texas for the show.

you damn well better be there or Tammy will kick your azz, just kidding, really you will miss one hell of a show if we get everyone we are pursuing. So far we have 3 bands confirmed to play come hell or high water. More ifo will be distributed in a week or two.:headbang: :headbang:
Despite the heartaches and headaches, I welcome the tingling in my fingers and pounding heart because it means something big is about to happen.....

Guys, some seriously cool stuff has gone down today for Madfest. I'm beside myself!

:Smokin: :Smokin:

In other news.. we're working on webhosting! :cool:
Despite the heartaches and headaches, I welcome the tingling in my fingers and pounding heart because it means something big is about to happen.....

Guys, some seriously cool stuff has gone down today for Madfest. I'm beside myself!

:Smokin: :Smokin:

In other news.. we're working on webhosting! :cool:

Yes something so cool its beyond words, all i can say is WOOOOHOOOOOOOO and YEEEEEEEEEHHAAAAAAAAA. This is gonna be great, and i believe once everyone sees what we're talking about they will literally wet themselves as I almost did.