There should be a Prog Power Texas

Stuff done in the last three days:
- I checked out our prospective venue's facility. It's awesome!
- Preliminary venue negotiations - room rental price & drink specials
- Confirmed: 3 bands, come hell or high water
- On Hold: 4 bands waiting for the "when and where"
- Tentative: 1 band
- Back-up list: check!
- Received budget from 1 band who will do whatever it takes to play the fest \m/ but may still cost us too much.
- 1 band might not be handled by the same booking agency which would have given us a deal, thus we'd have to pay the BIG full-price :zombie:
- In work: sponsorship of the backline
- In work: sponsorship for some food/beer.
- Confirmed: web designer - Mosquito (Justin)
- In work: choosing webhost and creating layout
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with - simultaneous website/forum launch
- Confirmed: Vendor and Sponsor - Nightmare Records
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with Goat on a Stick Productions
- In work: sleep.

Stay tuned for more updates! If all goes well, we will have a date and a venue for you soon!
Stuff done in the last three days:
- I checked out our prospective venue's facility. It's awesome!
- Preliminary venue negotiations - room rental price & drink specials
- Confirmed: 3 bands, come hell or high water
- On Hold: 4 bands waiting for the "when and where"
- Tentative: 1 band
- Back-up list: check!
- Received budget from 1 band who will do whatever it takes to play the fest \m/ but may still cost us too much.
- 1 band might not be handled by the same booking agency which would have given us a deal, thus we'd have to pay the BIG full-price :zombie:
- In work: sponsorship of the backline
- In work: sponsorship for some food/beer.
- Confirmed: web designer - Mosquito (Justin)
- In work: choosing webhost and creating layout
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with - simultaneous website/forum launch
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with Goat on a Stick Graphics
- In work: sleep.

Stay tuned for more updates! If all goes well, we will have a date and a venue for you soon!

DANG!!!! no wonder i have used all my minutes on my cell phone, i guess i better go get a new plan with more minutes. But hey, if it takes this to put on a kick ass show then so be it, my better half is going to kick my ass for going over two months in a row.:zombie:
Stuff done in the last three days:
- I checked out our prospective venue's facility. It's awesome!
- Preliminary venue negotiations - room rental price & drink specials
- Confirmed: 3 bands, come hell or high water
- On Hold: 4 bands waiting for the "when and where"
- Tentative: 1 band
- Back-up list: check!
- Received budget from 1 band who will do whatever it takes to play the fest \m/ but may still cost us too much.
- 1 band might not be handled by the same booking agency which would have given us a deal, thus we'd have to pay the BIG full-price :zombie:
- In work: sponsorship of the backline
- In work: sponsorship for some food/beer.
- Confirmed: web designer - Mosquito (Justin)
- In work: choosing webhost and creating layout
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with - simultaneous website/forum launch
- Confirmed: Vendor and Sponsor - Nightmare Records
- Confirmed: Sponsorship with Goat on a Stick Productions
- In work: sleep.

Stay tuned for more updates! If all goes well, we will have a date and a venue for you soon!

:OMG: :worship:
This show is gonna be terrible. Nobody wants to hear Texan metal.



I love sarcasm.
Very cool to watch thing thing progressing......if you'll pardon the pun. :)

Agreed... it's interesting to see something like this come together organically from the ground up, from just a offhand notion to a fully-formed, actual event. I have no idea whether I'll actually be able to attend, but much respect for Tammy and John and everyone who is making this happen. :kickass:
Agreed... it's interesting to see something like this come together organically from the ground up, from just a offhand notion to a fully-formed, actual event. I have no idea whether I'll actually be able to attend, but much respect for Tammy and John and everyone who is making this happen. :kickass:

Thank you! That means a whole lot, Sumeet! We really appreciate it more than you know!

I'm glad you guys are enjoying the progress. I'll be posting more specific updates when I can be less ambiguous. :lol:

Stuff done yesterday:
- In work: touched base with Rob from Powerfest to make sure we're not working on the same bands.
- In work: checked on the progress of the web design
- In work: coordinating payment to MetalAges for webhosting
- In work: eating
- Tentative: sleep

Stuff done today:
- Confirmed: I'm not doing a damn thing.
- In progress: I think I'm coming down with the flu :erk:
- Tentative: eating
- Declined: sleep
I'm picking and choosing my vacation days VEEEERY carefully this year...

yeah I'm watching the progress of this Texas Madfest because I intend to make it to Houston for the first time in my life... and with good reason! :headbang:

Then I have to balance that with a possible trip to Chicago for the first time ever for Powerfest. :kickass:

not to mention appeasing the wife with a short vacation or two of her choice. :saint:

oh and PPUSA VIII is a no-brainer, since I live 30 miles from the venue. :heh:
yeah I'm watching the progress of this Texas Madfest because I intend to make it to Houston for the first time in my life... and with good reason! :headbang:

I am doing the same. Always wanted to make a Texas trip, but haven't dome so yet. This may be just the motivation I need to stop procrastinating and do it.
AAARGH YOU BASTARD why did you have to mention the Chicago Powerfest? Aww this is torture.... well, at least for Chicago I only need one day off work. I think.

Any word on that show's development?

Well genius you could just check the forum that is only about 2 clicks away. :loco: :loco: :loco: