There should be a Prog Power Texas

13ShadesofGray said:
Only suggestion I'd toss in to the hat would be to have a full-on Texas BBQ to kick things off.

Hell, I might travel just for the BBQ! :lol:

"For your safety, please step clear of the pan of pulled-pork barbeque...." <cricket, cricket> "Errm. Ahem. Paul is coming." <crowd flees in terror>

Every once in a while, BTW, the Masquerade here rents a BBQ cooker and sets it up outside the front door. It's actually not a bad idea for show catering, whether for the audience or the bands, or both. :kickass:
You better show up Paul if you know what's good for you, plus we will have a whole platter of pulled pork for you.
Muzt.....resist.....the temptation.......

Or not. :lol:

Have it somewhere near Austin so I can make my once-per-decade pilgrimage to Barton Springs, visit my uncle, and finally see the bats of the Congress St. bridge in all their glory!

(I kid, I kid....Austin might not be the best choice logistically, but there's something amazingly freaky about umpteen million bats all departing at sunset from under a bridge, like a stationary tornado......)
TX BBQ? I'm down!

As for a date, we want to work on this for close to
a year, if not more to account for the timing between
Powerfest & ProgPower. We want to do this right, and
have more than plenty time for promotions.

FBI is likely the spot, but please, don't quote me on that.
Afterall, this is only Day 3 of the idea. We want to keep
it relatively small to ensure that our costs can be covered.
We can reach out to bigger venues in the future. Rome wasn't
built in a day. If you need another analogy, you have to be
the best at your school before you can go to state.
Damn, come when I drink too much and post some just gets ignored?...look at what you started man....!

I've looked into promoting different shows in Corpus or San Antonio but given up due to the endless logistics (once I started getting the ball rolling) irks me that I haven't had the balls to bite the bullet and follow is not that much of a problem...although losing money would certainly, not having any kind of support staff doesn't help...

Anyway...shokrok (and everybody else)...count me in for just about anything...cuz I'd like to hone some skills...and (evidently) piss away some hard-earned cash in the name of metal...

Damn you,'re an instigator...

Rock on!
Ashaman PM me your contact info so i can enter it in the database so we can have it on file. And don't worry about losing money, hell if one loses we all lose and we are doing this slow and logical so we hopefully don't have that problem.
sh0kr0k said:
Has anyone seen Mindcrime already? I hear they are incredible and just
like hearing the real thing!

Bryan what are you going to Vegas for?

I'm going Friday night. Shane is in the band as well as Don LaFon from Six Minute Century. And Chris can flat-out BRING the Geoff Tate!! I do BELIEVE he sings "Queen of the Ryche" better than Geoff did!!

Chris :headbang:
Lots of hotels, places to eat and so on. The venue is in down town I think. Great location and great venue. You could get some bigger bands in there to pack it the rest of the way out. I dont see why it couldnt be a sell out crowd

Pyramaze51 said:
WHOAAAAAAA i just checked out the Warehouse, man i think we have found the place, please everyone go to their website and check it out. Now if Metropolisimages can tell us, Are there suitable hotels in the area, and eatries.:headbang:
Dont forget Helstar is from good ol H-town too. They just played at FBI#1 last month and sold it out. If you had a few of the bands mentioned playing there, I dont think it would be hard to reach capacity limit. Maybe not the meridian or warehouse live but something a little bigger than FBI#1. Just my opinion
This might be a stupid question... but was a name discussed/given/mentioned for this little monster? Could be tired brain syndrome, but I didn't see anything after scanning through the thread again.

I'd also (time and Bryan willing - not wanting to step on your toes, bub) like to offer to help with any graphics needs that might come up. Just lemme know. :)

p.s. I think One of Sixx kicks ass.
13ShadesofGray said:
This might be a stupid question... but was a name discussed/given/mentioned for this little monster? Could be tired brain syndrome, but I didn't see anything after scanning through the thread again.

p.s. I think One of Sixx kicks ass.

As of now there is no its the No Name Fest!!

And yes One of Sixx does indeed kick ass...:headbang:
Who's One of Sixx?

And I got no problems with getting graphic help, man. Hell, that's the fun part. Doing four, five versions, and then letting people say, "Hey, I like this part of these three, can you do that, but take this font with the original colors and then widen it, and add this and that and ramble ramble.." It's fun to bounce things back and forth. Competition breeds Quality, man! Plus if we really get swamped, you can do things for other projects and bands depending on who's more available or who's got the stroke-of-genius idea.