Thermionik Amp Modeler Plugin by Kazrog LLC

Pretty generic video and sound sample, but I'm more than willing to give it a chance.

PC VST amp modeling is a pretty glutted market right now, so this is going to have to have some special sauce to standout. X50 v2, Revalver IV, and new freeware head sims from Roxolder and Vadim Taranov are all going to beat this to market.
There will be a longer trailer with more details, but until then, here's a few details about Thermionik to clear up some of the "mystery" left by this trailer:

  • Multiple amp models with a wide range of vintage, boutique, and modern tones. The algorithms behind the amp modeling itself have been in the works for the past 2 years, and are insanely accurate (it's been a lot of hard work!)
  • Recabinet 4 included as an integrated part of the plugin. Recabinet 4 will also be sold a la carte, and existing Recabinet 3 users can choose to upgrade to Recabinet 4 or crossgrade to the full Thermionik suite, either way for a great discount. More details on Recabinet 4 itself soon also...
  • Extremely simple yet powerful user interface design, as you've come to expect from Kazrog LLC.
This is the culmination of everything I've been working toward for the last several years, and I can't wait to get this out there!

Q2 2014 is a safe release target, but if it can be released sooner, it will be. I'm not at all concerned about the "competition," though - all of us making amp modelers have different approaches and areas of focus, and it's ultimately up to the users (you guys) to decide what works best for your music. I'll make sure the demo/authorization process is more generous this time around, as well... it's a hugely important part of figuring out what you like.

Great news, Shane! Looking forward to the crossgrade deal.
How does Thermionik differentiate itself from all other amp modellers on the market? Is it simply different flavours of amps through the same IR technology, or is there something new being brought to the market?

Don't get me wrong, fully supportive of it and all, and likely be a purchaser of it, it's an honest question.
I'm very keen for this. I've been away from recording music for a while and am looking at writing some more music for a project, so I'm sure I'll enjoy using this along with recabinet that I've already had success with.
Oh hell yes. Looking forward to the crossgrade.

Any chance we can use just the power stage in the amp plus Recabinet? I'd love to plug some of my POD HD pre models into a better power amp and cab sim without using an external power amp VST or a .wav impulse. (Not because I assume your amp modeling is worse, but because I presumably won't pay $500 for it like I did my rackmount unit :lol:)
How does Thermionik differentiate itself from all other amp modellers on the market? Is it simply different flavours of amps through the same IR technology, or is there something new being brought to the market?

Don't get me wrong, fully supportive of it and all, and likely be a purchaser of it, it's an honest question.

That's a great question, in fact, it's a question I asked myself before embarking on this project. I wasn't sure initially if I wanted/needed to build an amp modeler (how many does the world need?), but given that the main reason I built Recabinet was due to my complete dissatisfaction with amp modelers on the market, and desire to use tubes with my DAW at low volumes, there was clearly a void, and I certainly wasn't alone in that assessment.

So, I could cultivate strategically perfect facial hair outgrowth, and post a video where I talk about "game changing" and other meaningless marketing buzzwords, but that's really not my style. :lol:

I will say that finally, after a lot of experimentation with various approaches to amp modeling (some textbook, some decidedly not) that I've finally arrived at results that I can fool myself with. In that respect, I've succeeded where other modelers (even some pricey hardware units) have failed consistently.

I'll post a blind A/B test for you guys soon, sound like fun?
Oh hell yes. Looking forward to the crossgrade.

Any chance we can use just the power stage in the amp plus Recabinet? I'd love to plug some of my POD HD pre models into a better power amp and cab sim without using an external power amp VST or a .wav impulse. (Not because I assume your amp modeling is worse, but because I presumably won't pay $500 for it like I did my rackmount unit :lol:)

That's a key feature, each section of the plugin has a bypass toggle. I know a lot of folks may simply want to use their existing tube preamps with the onboard poweramp modeling for more tonal sculpting and "girth," etc...

PS - the price will be very reasonable :cool:
That's a great question, in fact, it's a question I asked myself before embarking on this project. (...)

I don't mean to be disrespectful but you were as vague as possible, completely ignoring the question asked. If you actually meant that your new product will be ground-breaking because it will be more realistic then you are just stating the obvious, since amp modellers always strive for realism. I think the question was more on what is it that makes it more realistic.
That's a key feature, each section of the plugin has a bypass toggle. I know a lot of folks may simply want to use their existing tube preamps with the onboard poweramp modeling for more tonal sculpting and "girth," etc...

PS - the price will be very reasonable :cool:

Awesome! Thanks for the reply! Excited for the A/B test.
I don't mean to be disrespectful but you were as vague as possible, completely ignoring the question asked. If you actually meant that your new product will be ground-breaking because it will be more realistic then you are just stating the obvious, since amp modellers always strive for realism. I think the question was more on what is it that makes it more realistic.

I've not ignored the question at all, and I was as specific as I care to be about it. To my knowledge, no amp modeler on the market is using the approach that Thermionik is, but to claim that with 100% confidence would be misleading - the specific methods behind most amp modelers are hidden behind the veil of trade secrecy, and I will respect that by not making assumptions or claims about other companies' products. Similarly, I'm not interested in revealing much at all about what's going on under the hood with Thermionik - why would I want to give that away, especially after working so hard on this?

As a player, I notice the difference between Thermionik and other modelers the most in terms of the response to picking attack. Many modelers get the overall character of amps pretty well in terms of frequency response, but it's in the details of the dynamic response where they fall down. The "feel" isn't right with most amp modelers, and that also translates as a producer/listener using Thermionik into a more dynamic, less static sounding guitar bus in the mix.