They've lost that autumn felling

I still don't understand what this autumnal feeling is.

Some people feel that Opeth has lost something with their last 2 or 3 albums. Out of those, some are too stupid to articulate why the new albums don't do anything for them, so they just say that the new albums don't have "that haunting autumn feeling of the old albums," which really just means that the new albums don't sound like the old albums and they don't like the new direction.

The "autumnal feeling" is just an invention of scorned fanboys trying to give their opinions weight.
^^ Actually you are half-right. The autumn feeling could be described as nostalgy and melancholy. Obviously, older albums get that feeling. You can't deny that almost every bands, with the recent technologies, are getting a "better", "clearer" sound, and it's not necesserly something everyone like (I'm part of them).

^ Also in the Vomisphere.
wut wut
best name in the omniverse

Thanks. I got it from here: [ame=]"What What (In The Butt)"[/ame]

The original Samwell version, not the cash-in South Park version!

You can't deny that almost every bands, with the recent technologies, are getting a "better", "clearer" sound, and it's not necesserly something everyone like (I'm part of them).

And that's a reasonable expression of why you don't like the newer albums as much (I also think it's reasonable to just say, "I don't like the new albums much, no more explanation needed").

It's when people try to say Opeth lost their artistry and any sense of atmosphere that I just start to roll my eyes. Watershed has atmosphere in spades... just not the atmosphere of the older albums. It's okay to not like their new direction, but if you really want to tell people why you don't like newer Opeth, please don't just spout off bullshit. If you can't put your finger on exactly why new Opeth does nothing for you, I'd rather you not try to explain it.
Some people feel that Opeth has lost something with their last 2 or 3 albums. Out of those, some are too stupid to articulate why the new albums don't do anything for them, so they just say that the new albums don't have "that haunting autumn feeling of the old albums," which really just means that the new albums don't sound like the old albums and they don't like the new direction.

The "autumnal feeling" is just an invention of scorned fanboys trying to give their opinions weight.

I do understand that. Obviously everyone's sarcasm radar were down. I was just taking the piss because it is just another way of saying it has lost its 'atmosphere' or 'mystery'. I just think it is a poor way of articulating it and has become the default setting for criticising latter day Opeth (as it seems to be a general concensus that they 'lost that autumn feeling).
Also, many people could say it's just a feeling you get. You don't have to deeply justify it, you just don't feel Opeth is the same anymore. Nothing to do with being a fanboy or trying to add weight to your opinion. That's ridiculous, do you really think people do that!?
Also, many people could say it's just a feeling you get. You don't have to deeply justify it, you just don't feel Opeth is the same anymore. Nothing to do with being a fanboy or trying to add weight to your opinion. That's ridiculous, do you really think people do that!?

I understand what people are getting at with the fact they changed (because they have), but people have just become lazy in accessing what it is that has changed or what they do/don't like. I don't see how it is ridiculous, at least no more than saying a band has lost or gained a 'seasonal feeling'. When someone ask you what (early) Opeth sounds like, do you reply 'they sound like autumn'? And did I say it added any weight to your opinion or made you a fanboy?
I'd personally say : "There was something, a vibe, a feeling with their old albums that seems to be gone." Opeth doesn't sound like "autumn", autumn doesn't have any sound, but they actually give the same feeling. It's personnal, for sure, but I often feel totally nostalgic, and I get able to compare it to when I listen to Opeth. Must precise that I started listening to them when Deliverance got released, and since then I believe they have changed a lot (they also changed in the past, but that's the way I knew them already).

As for the fanboy stuff, well it was adressed to "wut wut". Forgot to mention.
/\/\/\ And what you just said makes much more sense to me and I can completely understand with your reasoning. Unfortunately most people are content to just simply to hold the party line.
I guess what most of you guys mean, is the melancholical atmosphere that erlier cds had more than the last two studio releases. In my opinion the newer songs are more versatile than "the old shit :rolleyes:", therefore you have more different feelings in one song, personally I like that better than just having one maintheme related to the atmosphere.
I'm glad I started listening to Opeth late in the game so I can judge their music more objectivly. I started this thread as a joke because I was tired of people talking about Opeth and seasons especially autumn.

To me, Watershed's season is the season of awesomeness.
To me, Watershed's season is the season of awesomeness.

:lol: I like it.
