Things in life to be miserable about.

i ended up breaking up with both of my girlfreinds between thatnksgiving and Christmas, so that when valentine's day comes around i will prolly be dating no one... AGAIN
Populairty and achieveing status, mainstream libido, Disney parading a bunch of talentless kids to make them some fucking money, being anybody makes you a complete dick in one way or the other. carelessly letting yourself or others go, acceptance and toleration don't mix, the world was meant for war, the planets population must be reduced to 1 billion from 6 billion..
Not being able to shit is one that comes to mind hahaha. Spilling anything, be it food or brake fluid, on your clothes before going out or meeting somone sucks to! This is a nice thread.

@nick-metalhead: buying vegetables and forgetting to eat them is fucking horrible! And I usually enjoy vomiting because I feel so much better after.
The fact that My Chemical Romance even exist is something to be galactically miserable about IMO. :D

Untalented manufactured pop stars clogging up charts that should be filled with real music, the sad fact that world peace is impossible on every level, and the fact that people actually believe the world is going to end in 2012.

When i can't do my senior research paper on the over-saturation of modern day religion because it's apparently "too broad". AKA Having to do my senior paper on "Why do people think all metal is satanic?" at my teachers request.....FML.
The Internal Revenue Service - 'nuff said.

Bronchitis - I once had the worst case of that ever. That was one of the few times in my life I wished to die because I had never been so sick in my entire life before or since.

Having my wisdom teeth out - nothing like leaning over a trash can drooling blood into it because your mouth is filling up with it too fast. Oh that was fun. Gives the word metal mouth a whole new meaning. To this day, the smell of iron in the blood makes me a little queasy.

Trying on and buying shoes - for some reason, they never really fit just right.
Living in a world full of believers in myths (religion) makes the world that much worse.

Everything has already been pushed to the limit in this world full of imbalance.

The world has reached the furthest reaches of horrible inequities and human torment.

This world is hardly livable and most likely something equivalent to the mythical 'hell'.

Someone stole my axe.

Someone stole my axe too! Bast*rds!
my favorite band for the past five years. Kamelot :progressive/power metal, whatever.
anyway ive been wanting to see them in concert for years, they had a north america tour last year and was comning to my city. me and my gf buy our tickets... 3 weeks he would be coming to town. one week after purchasing tickets, roy kahn (lead singer) became "ill". he was not coming on the tour... i cried. i waited 5 years to see him. i had the thought now i have to wait 2+ years to see him in concert... wrong, 6 months later he leaves the band...FML.
oh and i hate onions.
Making an objective analysis of something using subjective characteristics is against my religion.
People that is ignorant because they want( i mean some people hasn't education because they never had the necessary wherewithal. You cannot call them " ignorant people" , you have to help them ) I am talking about that people that has education but they talk and act as motherfuckers without brain

corrupt politicians

People who don't respect another people's ideology , religion, sex orientation or culture. That's be ignorant, the world is too big for expect people thinking the same that you.

Racist people .


George Bush


mining ( the 98% of the times they pollute the nature, and the money goes to big corporations and the government , and the people who risked their lives working in the mines have a miserable salary)

Selfishness ( this is for me the root of all the evil in the world. if people wouldn't want all for them and if the didn't think that only what they belive is the righ this world will be a better place)



Stupid people that think that make good music is to show their asses.

bad movies


Mtv and it's reallity shows.
-To pay attention to what people think about you: if you're always caring about this, you'll never be happy. I don't give a fuck about what other people think about me, and I do what I consider it's ok (of course, respecting other people)
-To let other people manipulate you: you should have your own opinion, and you should think by yourself

I think these general ideas could be applied to plenty of aspects in the world, and from my point of view, if everyone followed this, the world would be kinda different, and probably much better...
My broken arm
Throwing up
Political parties
School dress codes
People who act all nice and smiley and happy all of the time