Things in life to be miserable about.

People that think they're your best friend when you barely know them
People that vote against things that don't affect them (gay marriage, abortion, etc)
People that side with political parties
Holocaust Deniers
People that play 4th Edition D&D
Most of my family
Jari Maenpaa spending more time writing Facebook rants than releasing Time II
Anyone that makes a Deez Nuts joke unironically
People from rival guilds in ArcheAge
Rob Flynn screwing over Children of Bodom and Epica
The last two Sonata Arctica albums
Autocorrect disasters
My uncle's premature death
Global Warming deniers
The company that made me shave my beard (conservative dress codes in general)
I will add more:

The Education System
All countries
People with no pride in themselves
Homeowners associations that ruin the environment
The students at my school
My O.C.D
People who wear socks & Sandals
Corrupt governments
Monday mornings
Getting a needle
Throwing Up
The common cold
People who speak with improper grammar
The ends of shoelaces fraying
Running out of propane in the BBQ
Buying vegetables and forgetting to eat them
Paper cuts
Bad movies
Stubbing your toe
Waiting for the "viewer discretion is advised" screen to pass.
Bad grammar infuriates me.