Things that make happiness..

Happiness for me is being loved. Having friends and family that care about you. Happiness is having good health, both you and your close ones. Happiness is having the time to do what you want, and doing others happy.
My husband, family, my friends, watching my son grow up.
People - I love people and interacting with them, learning from them.
Cats. Cats make me very happy.
My garden and Nature.
Music - it provides a very nice backdrop to happiness :)

Material things are meaningless beyond their functionality value for me. Money is something that's unfortunately necessary in life, but happiness beyond a material level can't be obtained with it.
Originally posted by The Nomad
It's that someday part that always gets ya...

yeah, back when I was in love, that was fantastic...

No! I KNEW I should've written more than what I did,
cause then you wouldn't get it wrong, but oh well...

I ment love in general. Happines isn't just being in love,
happiness is loving things around you as well, loving
your friends...Loving the food you eat....etc.

I love posting here, I love hearing new music, I love
having my freedom, I love drinking tea, I love the black
colour. All these things that I love make me happy.
Hating makes me sad. See what I mean?

But yeah, of course, being in love is probably the
ultimate happiness. And for that I'm really lucky. Not
only am I in love with a beautiful person, I also
experience falling in love with music, all the time :o)
@Blackspirit: i agree with what you said about loving the things that surround us.....but as far as being in love...i have been there 2 times....and got shit on both i have created a shield of personal boundry to protect myself from things of that in turn i have become an asshole to put it simply....and i havent even thought of dating anyone for around 2 or 3 years...until recently....but im so far gone in that scheme of things that i dont even try anymore....haha :lol:
@Legio Mortis: I have a feeling I might get burnt as
well. This might be too good to be true? But hell, I
know love hurts... Fighting and compromising hurts...
And sometimes you think "is it worth it?" On a good
day I know it is, on a bad day I'm not so sure.... It's
just the way life is.

I hope you find someone, or even better, someone
finds you and show you that good things might not
have to end, you just have to get through the bad
parts to get to all the good stuff >;o)
Well, it's not that easy for all of us. Sure, you can fall in love with just about anyone, but getting it back? It seems like you're taking turns playing this game of love. I know it's stupid to think of love like a game, because it's not. I just don't know how to put it. It's like a puzzle, you try putting a piece where it doesn't go, and it doesn't fit, or you try asking someone out before the puzzle is finished. You know?
I've never understood the going out on a date thing.
Asking someone out and dating is a big thing over in
the states right? I don't think we look at it that way
here... It's more of a grown up thing, hehe >:oP

I find it really weird and superficial as well. You sorta
jump to conclusions and "test" people... I don't like it.
But well, anything can be looked upon as a date, it's
just we don't call it a date in Norway :oP And, one
reason for no dates in Norway is people meeting in
clubs and well "getting it on" there >:o]

But tell me, do you ask people out based on
something? Looks? Or do you talk a lot with a person
and realize a date with this person would be fun? The
last option would be the way to go for me...

And then there's the problem of putting way too
much into things before it starts getting serious...
Originally posted by Blackspirit
But tell me, do you ask people out based on
something? Looks? Or do you talk a lot with a person
and realize a date with this person would be fun? The
last option would be the way to go for me...

Well, for some people looks is just a thing on the side. But for most of the people I know, that's all they want. I don't understand it, and that's not how I see it, but most of the girls here look somewhat alike. Sure, girls are nice to look at, but beauty exists in each being, maybe not exactly the same, but it lies within. I used to see it from other's views, and be like... "Look at that babe." But I didn't understand what I was thinking, now looks are more of just something on the siide for me.