Weird things happening lately

Yesterday, after I got home from class, I was in my kitchen preparing my lunch when I heard a car horn in my driveway. I assumed it was meant for someone else, so I just ignored it. I heard it again, and I became a little annoyed because I hold the reasonable belief that it's rude to sit in a cul-de-sac and honk ones horn. So, I walked to the front door expecting to see a car idling in front of a neighbors house. I was surprised, however, to see my Uncle Bill standing there in my driveway next to his old pickup. He waved at me in his normal friendly way and shouted "Hey, Andy! Long time no see! Whaddya say you and me go to grab some lunch?"

Now, he was right. It had been a while, of course I wanted to catch up, and I was really surprised to see him- he just showed up out of the blue- and I didn't really have time to think about all the other things I had to do, so I decided to go. I held up one finger and went inside to turn off the oven and toss my pizza back in the freezer. I got on my sweatshirt, grabbed me cell phone and wallet and walked out to Uncle Bill's truck. He asked me where was the best place around the grab a burger and a beer, so I directed him. The whole way there, and all through lunch, we just talked non-stop. About what I'd been up to, what he was doing when he was my age, girls, the Yankees, improv, my future, my parents when they were young, cars, politics, school... Everything. After lunch we went to some batting cages and hit for a few hours. He dropped me off back at my house around 9:00 PM, and I expected him to come in for a while and have a beer or two, maybe even spend the night... But he didn't even get out of the truck. He just said bye, that it was nice seeing me after such a long time... and that he'll see me again in a year. All in all, it was a great day, and even though I don't know what he meant by "see you again this time next year, Andy", I'm still really looking forward to see him again.

My Uncle Bill has been dead for thirteen years.
I laughed at Robot Chicken last night too. They had a man trying to fart the National Anthem and he shit his pants. :lol: And my old favorites Beavis and Butthead were on it too.
I have this thing where occasionally wake up after taking a nap, and I'm aware of everything that's going on, but for some reason, I can't move. I don't know why it happens, but it's really freaky. Usually, it takes a lot of effort, but I eventually move my arm, or something, but then I'm really exhausted like I just worked out or something... it's really weird.

I get that a lot actually. Sleep Paralysis is a bitch. I sort of get the hallucination part. I'll think I'm moving around and sometimes even think I'm getting up, but then I come to only to realize I imagined it all.

On the subject of weird goings on having to do with sleep, I once woke up in the middle of the night and for a few seconds, I didn't recognize where I was. My room was totally foreign to me. Scared the crap out of me.
Yesterday, after I got home from class, I was in my kitchen preparing my lunch when I heard a car horn in my driveway. I assumed it was meant for someone else, so I just ignored it. I heard it again, and I became a little annoyed because I hold the reasonable belief that it's rude to sit in a cul-de-sac and honk ones horn. So, I walked to the front door expecting to see a car idling in front of a neighbors house. I was surprised, however, to see my Uncle Bill standing there in my driveway next to his old pickup. He waved at me in his normal friendly way and shouted "Hey, Andy! Long time no see! Whaddya say you and me go to grab some lunch?"

Now, he was right. It had been a while, of course I wanted to catch up, and I was really surprised to see him- he just showed up out of the blue- and I didn't really have time to think about all the other things I had to do, so I decided to go. I held up one finger and went inside to turn off the oven and toss my pizza back in the freezer. I got on my sweatshirt, grabbed me cell phone and wallet and walked out to Uncle Bill's truck. He asked me where was the best place around the grab a burger and a beer, so I directed him. The whole way there, and all through lunch, we just talked non-stop. About what I'd been up to, what he was doing when he was my age, girls, the Yankees, improv, my future, my parents when they were young, cars, politics, school... Everything. After lunch we went to some batting cages and hit for a few hours. He dropped me off back at my house around 9:00 PM, and I expected him to come in for a while and have a beer or two, maybe even spend the night... But he didn't even get out of the truck. He just said bye, that it was nice seeing me after such a long time... and that he'll see me again in a year. All in all, it was a great day, and even though I don't know what he meant by "see you again this time next year, Andy", I'm still really looking forward to see him again.

My Uncle Bill has been dead for thirteen years.

Dude r u fucking srys
Yesterday, after I got home from class, I was in my kitchen preparing my lunch when I heard a car horn in my driveway. I assumed it was meant for someone else, so I just ignored it. I heard it again, and I became a little annoyed because I hold the reasonable belief that it's rude to sit in a cul-de-sac and honk ones horn. So, I walked to the front door expecting to see a car idling in front of a neighbors house. I was surprised, however, to see my Uncle Bill standing there in my driveway next to his old pickup. He waved at me in his normal friendly way and shouted "Hey, Andy! Long time no see! Whaddya say you and me go to grab some lunch?"

Now, he was right. It had been a while, of course I wanted to catch up, and I was really surprised to see him- he just showed up out of the blue- and I didn't really have time to think about all the other things I had to do, so I decided to go. I held up one finger and went inside to turn off the oven and toss my pizza back in the freezer. I got on my sweatshirt, grabbed me cell phone and wallet and walked out to Uncle Bill's truck. He asked me where was the best place around the grab a burger and a beer, so I directed him. The whole way there, and all through lunch, we just talked non-stop. About what I'd been up to, what he was doing when he was my age, girls, the Yankees, improv, my future, my parents when they were young, cars, politics, school... Everything. After lunch we went to some batting cages and hit for a few hours. He dropped me off back at my house around 9:00 PM, and I expected him to come in for a while and have a beer or two, maybe even spend the night... But he didn't even get out of the truck. He just said bye, that it was nice seeing me after such a long time... and that he'll see me again in a year. All in all, it was a great day, and even though I don't know what he meant by "see you again this time next year, Andy", I'm still really looking forward to see him again.

My Uncle Bill has been dead for thirteen years.

o shit fo rizzle?

Seriously, though. I've been laughing to myself about it all day. I think spending the day with ones long dead Uncle would be a little more than "weird".

You realised that when you came back home? Like "oh isn't he supposed to be dead? Well I guess not, hehe.."

Yeah, you'd think that would have come up in our conversation!