Weird things happening lately

Story of one of my friends, his female friend was sucking his dick when she suddenly bit it off. I don't know why. He's so sensible he still doesn't talk to her.

EDIT: true story suckers.
I'd rip her entrails out through her cunt, Cannibal Corpse style.

Assuming I didn't bleed to death.

And I don't believe that's true.
I have this thing where occasionally wake up after taking a nap, and I'm aware of everything that's going on, but for some reason, I can't move. I don't know why it happens, but it's really freaky. Usually, it takes a lot of effort, but I eventually move my arm, or something, but then I'm really exhausted like I just worked out or something... it's really weird.

Pfff, that happens to me all the time. It's called being awesome. Welcome to the club.