Things to do when you're bored on UM...


New Metal Member
Jun 25, 2002
Fairfield, CT (USA)
What do you do when you're bored and on UM?
Right Now I'm seeing how many sensible posts I can make just saying "Kentucky Fried Chicken".

browse something...check stuff on the raining dance...whatever that I could do without waking up half of my braincells...

fathervic (1 braincell operative)
hm, i usually play around with my mp3-collection. get all the filenames into one scheme, tag them correctly, normalize the volume, and so on. i know, it's embarassing, but i'm an audio-geek :)
Go to other boards with same atmosphere or a "hate pit" atmosphere (if at second, see how much you can say to infuriate them).
Look up and read your old posts, or the posts of another person.
Modify your profile.
Read old PMs.
Lurk on another forum.
Surf random sites.
Check email or work on website (maybe only for me).
Log off and do something else. <---small chance
I just refresh plenty of times, if nothing's happening i visit the Opeth board to see if there's smt worth replying to there, there isn't, i get back here to refresh a few more times, and since still nothing happens i just close the page and the inet connection. :p
now can you understand the pain i must be going through when i've got no need to close the connection b/c i got T1? it' horrible, i tell you!
Others: create an alterego, cause problems. (do this from another computer, so you won't get IP banned)

Look up the past posts of your enemy in a forum (come on, you have to have one :) ). Take notes on their hobbies, beliefs, etc. to use against them in the future.

Make sick jokes which have little to do with discussed subjects.
@mousewings: devil of a woman! :Spin: yes, the part about tracking down your enemies was brilliant. but i can't just cause problems, at least not here. that would be rather, err, schizophrenic of me. ;)

@vultureculture: next time you're bored would you mind writing a short guide about normalizing volume on mp3s and sending it to me? thank you. :)

i just surf here and there checking forums i don't visit regurarly anymore (like the Katatonia,the swedish metal one and others)....
and when i get so utterly bored i search for sites about whichever stupidity can cross my mind....
VultureCulture said:
hm, i usually play around with my mp3-collection. get all the filenames into one scheme, tag them correctly, normalize the volume, and so on. i know, it's embarassing, but i'm an audio-geek :)

Amen :worship: , I also do that and I used to spam NP threads or troll in the offtopic opeth board.

@rahvin: There's a program named mp3 gain and it's really nice for normalizing the volume of your mp3s, you can find it in ;)