Thinking about enlisting in the Marines


May 29, 2008
I've been thinking about it for some time now. What held me back before was a relationship and music. The band isn't doing shit and the relationship just ended. I understand the risks of the military and I can deal with that. I think it will help me get my life in order as well. Shit has been going downhill for too long. The things that blow are I'll have to cut my hair and I won't be playing guitar 8 hours a day. At least I'd get to blow shit up.

But seriously, what ye all have to say? What should I ask the recruiter? I've got lots of questions but I'm sure there are things I haven't thought of.
despite my best efforts to convince him otherwise, my younger brother enlisted in the Army several months ago. He's now living in Germany, working at a base in Bamberg as a clerk of some sort.... and, he's happy. i love that guy, and i miss him... but he wasn't happy for a long time before he joined. Granted he's not in a combat MOS, and enjoys permanent non-deployment status, so i'm very happy for him.
I've been considering it as well. I'd say think long and hard about it. Try to think of your reasons for wanting to do so. You might be able to solve your downhill slope in other ways. I'm not against the military. Actually, I'm very much for it. I'm just saying, don't join for the wrong reasons.

I dunno, the Marines seems like the hardest and most demanding branch of the military to enlist in, which is why I would avoid it like the plague. I guess it depends on what your motivations are; I'm gathering you don't just want the money but some kinda "discipline" as well, so I suppose the (comparative) cakewalk that is the AF wouldn't be the best bet - maybe the Army...
Consider the notion that you're joining a military that's too cheap to buy proper armor for it's Hummers. ...That has a "fix it in the field" mentality, and it's deployed into a hostile country in an occupation that isn't going to end anytime soon.

No matter how bad your life seems, mark my words, it WILL be worse in the military. least you're not being shot at/fodder for roadside bombs at the moment. Somehow, being single & unemployed sounds way better than that.
I'm just saying your recruiting officer is a professional liar & don't forget it. I'd ask him, "how the fuck do you sleep at night? How many people have died because of you?" Now I know that's probably breaking a few taboos in a militaristic society like the US, but for crying out loud, someone has to ask!

Don't get me wrong, I don't have anything against military folks, far from it.... I named my studio after a good friend's occupation... gunner on an AC130. It's just the US is in a fucking quagmire and for the wrong reasons. This is the worst time possible to sign up for military duty.

And don't buy into that "macho elite marine" bullshit, either. It just means they make you do more with less.... less proper equipment.
If you want to participate in something illegal (like international wars), start a grow op instead. You'll harm a lot less people and make a lot more money.
the US is in a fucking quagmire
