Thinking about packing it in...


Apr 12, 2002
Cambridge, Ontario, Canada
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Seriously considering selling my gear and dropping this whole recording thing...

I never have any intentions on doing it full time and it's getting ridiculous trying to manage my time between working full time, recording part time and trying to balance the rest of a normal life (girlfriend, landlord responsibilities, random errands, personal time, etc.)

I am usually recording 4 or 5 nights a week after working my regular job and I seriously dread coming home to track bands. I am not into the music, hate dealing with sloppy players and could never imagine doing it as a day job... I'm really just not getting much enjoyment out of it. I've got a 5 song EP I'm working on now which is taking forever because we only get to record 2-3 hours a night 5 days a week since I have other obligations, and after that I'm supposed to start 2 full lengths back to back. It honestly makes me sick to my stomach thinking about having to track full lengths with these bands in my spare time because of how unreasonably long it's going to take to get it done with such limited time to record.

I do enjoy recording a song or 2 here and there with different bands because it's quick and the excitement level stays high while you're working. Even if I did this full time, a 5 song EP wouldn't be that bad because it wouldn't take 2 months to complete. But I don't want to ever rely on other people's talent for my income and be forced to work through shitty projects that are even less fun than my day job so I dunno...

I'm going back to school in September as well so my time is going to be even more valuable.

Anyone ever feel like this? I pretty much have lost all interest in recording music completely, no gear lust, no excitement in trying to improve a mix, nothing, just sick of it. I'm tempted to sell everything, pay off some debts with the gear money, concentrate on school and just take the weight off of my shoulders by eliminating that responsibility I have to schedule sessions with these bands when I feel like I don't have any time to do fucking groceries or laundry as it is.

I dunno, bah. I would probably keep a minimal setup to be able to do stuff for fun with friends here and there or if I ever got back into it so I had a starting point gear wise, but right now this shit is just not doing anything for me at all other than stressing me the fuck out.

Pretty sure I want to sell my house too and get out of the fucking landlord business, move back in with the parents while I go to school and have a fresh start at everything because right now everything is a fucking mess. I don't even like LISTENING to music anymore like I used to. Just think this stage of my life is played out, time to concentrate on some other hobbies.
been there, done that. Sold most of my gear (still selling it actually), and only kept enough to record my own projects... which isn't much.

I was doing the same thing... working 40+ hours, and then recording nights, and weekends... Having a kid really put things into perspective, and all of a sudden dealing with some drummer who can't stick with the click just seemed a bit more than i could deal with. I still enjoy recording... but it will remain a leisure time hobby.
You've answered your own question really dude.

Not enjoying it, dreading working with bands,
Stressing you out, don't have the time, other commitments,

Maybe it would be better to just have a mbox or something for when you want to record demo's in the future, if you end up wanting to record properly get someone you know and trust to do it for you? Leaving you to focus on the music and creativity.
for me that sounds as if you're in need of a break, - to remember what it originally was that got you into recording.
sometimes this kind of break can take even years, but most of the time people come back more focused on what they really want to achieve with their knowledge. just take your time....
for me that sounds as if you're in need of a break, - to remember what it originally was that got you into recording.
sometimes this kind of break can take even years, but most of the time people come back more focused on what they really want to achieve with their knowledge. just take your time....

that's what's in my mind. it's hard to think straight when dealing with a stressful routine
i think if you already have the gear and knowledge and only dread the work because of the genre and player's level, while at the same time haveing a regular job so you don't really HAVE to work as and AE, you can simply decide that your'e only going to track bands you LIKE and that are at a reasonable skill level to make the tracking process as less tedious as it can get.

after all, i don't think anyone would not enjoy creating music that he likes and sounds awesome.
if your'e working with bands you like, the whole process can be quite magical!
Maybe you could try scaling back one thing at a time. You listed off recording other peoples music and being a landlord on top of working and wanting to go to school.

You could scale back recording music with a smaller set up and less bands or just your own music. Take three months off from recording bands and see if you miss it.

That might make the working, school, landlord stuff more easy to deal with. If everything is still kicking your ass then some of the landlord stuff could go etc.

I guess I am just saying don't reach the boiling point and quite everything all at the same time.
Take a break for a while, refer the bands to some other AE, now is the time to catch up on work and guitar. I sometimes feel like this (though not as extreme) all I do is have a break and just absolutely rinse playing guitar for about 6 hours a day, it also feels nice to be single again but you're probably happy in your relationship :lol:
Ah man, shocked to see you say this Adam, but I suppose it happens everyone at some point. I gave up on it for a while because of constant gear lust, which was leaving a huge hole in my pocket and I still don't have half the gear I need. Ugh!
So I took a little break, went back to web development, secured my dream job (which I start next week) so now that's all paid off, I think I'll be getting back into the swing of things, but to be honest, I'll prob only record and mix stuff I want to do. Not stuff I feel I have to do. At least that way, I hope to maintain some level of excitement. In saying that...I became a dad 11 weeks ago, so I have my hands full enough as it is! lol!
I'd say don't sell anything yet. It's like breaking up with a girl then a month later feeling like "wow, what did I do?" I'd say wait, and don't record anything and stay away from it completely. Take a break from it and if in a few months, you still feel the same way, then you can make the decision of selling most of the gear.
Thanks for the advice dudes, canceled the next full length I was supposed to start next month, will finish this current project and take a break for a few weeks and see where my head is at. I honestly probably could handle it if I was only recording like 3 nights a week, but I can't get anything done in a reasonable amount of time with that sort of schedule. Maybe will start only taking bands who are looking to do 1 or 2 songs and bang them out in 2 weeks each, I think it would help keep me a little happier. I just fucking hate working with the same crappy band for 2 or 3 months straight to do 5 or 6 songs. Recording bass for 3 hours a night for 3 weeks is fucking brutal, I don't know how anyone does this for a living full time and doesn't want to blow their brains out.
The recording side of things has always been to get my music some form of permanency, but only for my own enjoyment so I suppose that's why I keep my interest level pretty high, knowing that it's only as a hobby, and only for my music puts no pressure on me in regards to my time or commitment. I can walk away from music completely for months at a time and come back when the muse strikes me.

I think you have laid out a compelling argument to step away. While I would keep some gear for personal use, I'm all for the less is more mentality and keeping it simple.

I hope it all works out for you Adam.
Take a break from it before you decide to sell stuff. You don't wanna have sold everything only to miss it like hell a few months down the line.

I was just about say this exact thing. Sucks to hear you aren't enjoying yourself but it happens. Take a break and just start working with fewer bands; ones that you actually enjoy. If you're to the point where you don't even enjoy listening to music then it's definitely time for a vacation.
While I almost agree with people here. Why not do as you say, scale back a bit and maybe get a bit picky about what you're taking on. I'm in an area where I can't be fussy about what I take on. If I was in a more densely populated area with more bands, I'd likely be more picky about what bands I worked with.