Thinking of writing about symx at a school project..


New Metal Member
Feb 13, 2007
Symphony X is one of my favorite bands, but is there enough info of them/ have they had a big enough career to write at least 10 pages? My main focus should be on the bands musical career, childhood etc is not important. Does anyone of you have some good links to site where there is a lot of information about them, or if you've ever been to one of their shows it would have been great if you could tell me something about that as well. This is probably a silly question, but if you guys have some ideas how to 'angle' my text that would have been great. Maybe i should compare them to other prog metal bands like DT and explaining what i think is unique about SymX?
Yes. I like the idea of the SX/DT comparisons. Let's start getting ideas together on that - a lot of people in the forum have opinions there that they'd like to discuss.

You could do a page or two on Romeo vs. Petrucci.
maybe... you could write your own paper instead of asking others for a topic.

i wrote 15 pages on Orphaned Land. I could have written 10 more. there is an absurd amount of information out there to be discussed and connected and symbolized and so forth.

my only caution is make your paper nontrivial. that is, don't write just about a band but connect it to something more... universally meaningful to people. ie, in my OL paper I connected them as an example of efforts of establishing peace amongst monotheistic religions in the middle east.
maybe... you could write your own paper instead of asking others for a topic.

i wrote 15 pages on Orphaned Land. I could have written 10 more. there is an absurd amount of information out there to be discussed and connected and symbolized and so forth.

my only caution is make your paper nontrivial. that is, don't write just about a band but connect it to something more... universally meaningful to people. ie, in my OL paper I connected them as an example of efforts of establishing peace amongst monotheistic religions in the middle east.

Well i guess you've right, but i'm not very creative when it comes to writing, and my english is not that good, so i have some problems with analyzing lyrics, for instance. So it would be great with inputs from someone who's maybe read a book which SymX has taken their lyrics from.
Well i guess you've right, but i'm not very creative when it comes to writing, and my english is not that good, so i have some problems with analyzing lyrics, for instance. So it would be great with inputs from someone who's maybe read a book which SymX has taken their lyrics from.

You could probably write 2-3 pages on V's connection to Egyptian mythology, Atlantis, and the readings of Edgar Cayce. I even got you the link
i can't recall the thread name(s), but there are certainly 2-3 threads by people that have done this before.. search in older threads and you'll propably find something

and LOL at OfSins..
not true. it does depend on the professor, but so far i've written about such classic topics as:

::Why snowboarding kicks ass (related to [lack of]environmental actions at resorts, consumerism)

::Orphaned Land, death metal in Israel (related to the mid-east crisis and this band as an example of people trying to get along... through death metal :kickass: )

::Why MTV blows (in relation to its image as counter-culture, and how that counter culture was assimilated into the corporate monolith it tried to defy, not to mention that a "music" tv channel should play mostly music, not teenage soaps)

::Living in London (with a geographical, migrational focus. I tied it in to anti-tourism in the sense that people think you go somewhere, take pictures, and that counts as experience)

so the point is, you can write about whatever the hell you want (unless that's against the assignment, which would be stupid :lol: ) but what matters is making what you write about relevant to most people in a deeper way.