This forum is crazy close to dying


This is Not an Exit
Oct 19, 2001
WTF! I know I'm not helping (or am I?) but man, I'd hate to see this place finally become completely desolate. Where the fuck are all of you eh!?
i come here almost everyday.. but there is nothin to comment on at the moment! its kinda sad really!
Same thing here, really. I check for new things every day - but for the life of me I can't think of a Skyfire-related thing I want to say that I haven't said. There's only so much you can conjecture about the next CD.

So it seems like we need to post more random but appropriately cool offtopic stuff - I will certainly share tales of my trip to Gumsland, and I could certainly regail everyone with tales of how one of my professors made a student sit in a trashcan.

(Lore has it that the professor asked the student how to write a rather simple computer science function, and the student had no idea. The professor was absolutely incredulous and dragged over a trashcan and howled at him to "GET IN THE GARBAGE!" Coincidentally I have this professor now, and every day I look at him and think that he might actually be a vampire - during one lecture I bet he will leap thirty feet laterally onto a student's desk, crouch down and rip out their aorta, and squeeze it like an orange)
i could rant about my collegues who always wanna drag me to asian food temples, eating all that kinky stuff - NAH!!
but that's even less interesting than my photo websites :p
we should all make a topic each and rant about watever.. and discuss each one.. KEEP THE FORUM ALIVEEEE
I could rant about how I went to a ska show with my friends last Saturday, and there was this band Awful Waffle, who threw waffles into the audience, and the guy next to me caught one and split it with me, and it was a damn good waffle.
There are really two ways you could go about it, I guess. You can talk about stuff like that and just be random and wacktastic - but sometimes those die out pretty quickly. I think it's more likely to keep things alive if we converse about things that can actually be conversed about - things that invite discussion. Something you've read, something you've thought about, etc.

Like the lyric interpretation stuff - that certainly invited a good bit of talking. You could probably do the same for Mind Revolution and Spectral, though I won't attempt now, because it is two in the morning.
We should keep 'wacktasticness' in this thread I think heh. I agree with Gadlor on that point in particular. When I get creative I'll come up with some bitchin thread about how the man in the mirror on the Spectral cover represents man's insatiable need for destruction. Look out for it!
My dad definitely caught me and this kid Eric breaking into my friend Carey's house the other was cool and everything, Carey dropped us off at his house before driving someone else home and forgot to give us the keys. We had some games and music inside we needed to get. The awesome thing was I was able to break into a house with a keychain.
I seem to have little desire left to post on msg boards in general anymore. I dunno, the novelty seems to have worn off. You start to sorta realize the pointlessness in what you're doing when people leave all the time, nobody posts for a while, etc.

I've put the women and children to bed and gone out for dinner. :zzz:

The only real exception to this is when there's actually a new album to discuss - I still enjoy that. Of course, there are other things I enjoy posting about, but that comes to mind first and foremost. Aye!

Final_Vision - For some reason they banned me from hmas again! I'm cool :err: must be heartbroken. Fuck it, hmas is terrible. I posted a thread on the new In Flames DVD and got 1 fuckin reply. No one even tries anymore heh. I rarely post anywhere. I'm usually on My Space and browsing here; I don't post anywhere else.
How did anyone here actually find UM in the first place? I'm curious - is it actually drawing in new people or is there an exodus? the fuck did I find it? I dunno. It might have been when Dark Tranquillity moved here, or maybe it was In Flames. I think I came earlier than that though. Oh, who fuckin cares.

I think he was talking about the thrash band bitch, chill.
i know you're all oldies. i was just curious because like - i wonder if there are any new people joining. does UM advertise? or is it all like 'yes...yes, my little mutant metal babies...after you have been infected with a band you will seek out their forum...and then my shrivelled slimy tentacles of love shall ensorcel you!!'

because no new people + people will eventually get bored / leave / die = no more peepz on this forum, obviously enough.