This forum is crazy close to dying

Even the BIG bands are using it now! Nightwish, Greenday, Bon Jovi, Hammerfall.. loooads... Which is why i created the Nocturnal Rites one
to just make a slightly off-topic note (feel free to continue on with regular topic, i don't want to like, de-rail the topic train here with my thought-pennies) i find it ironic how the thread that is getting the most views and posts in a while here is the one entitled 'this forum is crazy close to dying'!

and I think when the band members actually happen upons the forum again, they might be a little surprised at how busy we've been. :p
Haha...and it's all thanks to me. Kneel before me and kiss my feet peasants!

As for My Space, yeah it is a decent way to check out unknown bands. Plus the official band web pages are really helpful for news. For instance: Lilitu doesnt update their website too much but I can keep in touch with Jason (guitars) on My Space as well as check their page for updates and of course the new songs.

I also use it as a communication thing; keeping in touch with people and kinda having a space to post my own bullshit. I like it.
Since I'm in college, I'm all upons that Facebook thing. Which Gums should get since he's at Brock, which has Facebook! I checked. I want to be able to show off my Canadians to the public.

Myspace seems more...ehh. It just isn't as nicely constructed sometimes. And people put those annoying-as-shit videos on there, and huge-ass animated gifs that suck the monkey, and generally everything just looks horrifying! Facebook is less customizable but infinitely cleaner.
Cool, I'll have to check this stuff out. Message boards are bound to evolve soon.. technology is getting crazy and message boards are still, like.. 2001 technology. There's gotta be a new wave coming soon, which will crush UM like a bug beneath one's feet!!

edit - I have no idea where that came from.. I guess I sorta assumed these are the new community communication thingys, ya know?
I think they're not so great as communication devices, rather than finding new people interested in the same things. It's really a way to just put yourself out there - all in one page, a summary of you for viewing. It tells a lot about people, but I still like messageboards better, because there's a lot more talking. I would find it much more interesting, however, if UM had a profile directory! now that would be nifty. having messageboards + facebook/myspace at once, in one cohesive site, would be awesome.
i need to go skiing again. the last time i went was when i was a freshman in high school...and it was on some random mountain in new zealand. i remember almost killing several japanese people due to excessive speed. :tickled:
I have never been skiing. Will you take me sometime Gadlor? I can pay you in skrimps.

Hey Gums, you ever visit hmas anymore? I decided I'd write for them but I'm rethinking it... the place is dead as hell and I'm not getting positive vibe at all.
I have to ask...what is a skrimp? :hotjump: Any relation to shrimps? I'm not such a huge fan of shrimps. I'll take mangoes though.