This is a bunch of shit...


Nails or Flippers..?
Feb 14, 2002
U.S. Georgia
I got into a small arguement in the Jackson forum about 'nu' metal. Actually I didn't really argue with them. I just told my opinion and left it at that. I didnt say 'insert band name here' sucks or anything like that. I just told what I didn't like about most of it. Some asshole didn't agree with me so he gave me a really low member rating. I found it kind of funny that he would be such a little pussy about it. He also replied saying 'Children of Bodom are really shitty". I guess that goes to show how pathetic and stupid nu metal fans really are. :lol:
:lol: Yeah, it's total bullshit. Now everytime I post somewhere people are going to look my low member rating and possibly ignore me or something like that. But the asshole that did that has a 6 star rating. Thats really fucked up.
Ill think that all nu-metal fans are 10-14 year old boys, who walk on streets yelling "Yo man"..:lol: they are kind of funny..:lol:
Nu metal doesnt deserve the word 'metal' being in it, its got fuck all to do with metal. It defies what metal was about - big ugly fucking hairy sweaty fuckers playing dead heavy riffs and getting pissed.

Now we get this clean cut shite, tailor made for rebellious posh kids to get into. Bullshit.

eh they are all dumb asses lets just leave it at that.... we dont need to make ourselves mad talking about these stupid fucker nu metal fucks..... they are all dumb asses end of story!
one of the guys name was 'buckethead' or something like that. I don't remember the other guy. It's a thread in the technique section called 'your impress riffs' or something like that.

I'm pretty much done with it anyways. It's nothing worth argueing with those ingnorant fucks.
well.... i disagree with some of what you guys said. now, don't dare question my metal integrity, i'm all metal. no doubt about it. anyway, nu metal serves it's purpose, which alot of metalheads tend to forget. in metal, there's always a metalhead to introduces a "non metalhead" into the realm of metal. as it was for me. and you look at all those converts, who in turn convert people, to keep a metal crowd alive. what were those people listening to before people converted them to metal? they were listening to nu-metal. i disagree with the name "nu-metal" like the rest of you, but that's it's name nonetheless. i like to call it "radio shit" myself. anyway, alot of metalheads used to listen to radio shit before they turned metal. without any radio shit at all, there'd be no one to convert, because they'd all listen to pop or rap or something even more gay like that. and we don't want any of those people in metal.

see, the way i look at is, metal is infinately better then any other genre of music, and we all know that. so what's the use of cutting down the other's or their fans? they'll never be as dedicated as us. just ignore the fuckrs.