This is interesting: Hearing test

Keep in mind that many PC speakers can't handle signals above roughly 14k. If this is the case for you, you might *think* you can't hear the tone, but the fact is really that your speakers are incapable of producing it.
Keep in mind that many PC speakers can't handle signals above roughly 14k. If this is the case for you, you might *think* you can't hear the tone, but the fact is really that your speakers are incapable of producing it.

This was addressed early:

>> MODERATOR NOTE: yes, computer speakers often have a high frequency response of less that 22 Khz, but that just means that the volume is reduced by some amount at these frequencies. It still plays them, it might just be down by 3-6dB or so. You can test this by putting a mic in front of your computer speakers & recording the 22kHz tone… you’ll still see a tone that is definitely loud enough to hear (provided of course that your ears aren’t as dead as mine!)

Otherwise, you can always try a new pair of speakers.
Remember also that a poor amp can introduce distortion and you may well be hearing the result of that. (For a quick and slightly unfair example of that, use winamp, activate the EQ and push up the pre-amp slider. Now you'll easily hear something all the way up to 22kHz unless you have seriously damaged hearing.) Without that I only got up to 18 here. As the last professional hearing test surprisingly came out with my hearing in excellent condition I may be able to hear the higher ones if I try this in a different environment. It's fairly loud here. :)
Haha, yah, it's completely un-scientific and all, just an interesting test. I had a few co-workers do it at work, and though I can distinctly heat the 18khz, and it HURTS, most people looked at me like I was insane.
I'm good to 19K. But that's it.

And I have those Etymotic earplugs. I use them for every band practice, every gig, every concert, every time I use power tools, and LOVE THEM. The Baby Blues are great for those with funky shaped or tight ear canals. I highly recommend them. Bought them for everyone in Mellotron.
I guess I'm a freak of nature - I heard all the way up to 22K. And it was a bit painful. I've always joked about having bat ears...apparently I'm not too far off. ;)
Wow, you people that can hear that high are pretty lucky.

Though my dad has a high-frequency hearing loss. I suppose I could have something similar. :/

ETA: when I turned up my speakers, I could year up to 18khz.
I can hear up to the highest level.

I have FREAKISHLY sensitive hearing...On our TV we have this cable box that is constantly making this high-pitched squeal and no one else in the house can hear it! I just have to tune it bugs the shit out of me sometimes. I can also hear the TV its self squealing. I'm glad blasting music in my car hasn't killed my hearing! :lol:
I can hear up to the highest level.

I have FREAKISHLY sensitive hearing...On our TV we have this cable box that is constantly making this high-pitched squeal and no one else in the house can hear it! I just have to tune it bugs the shit out of me sometimes. I can also hear the TV its self squealing. I'm glad blasting music in my car hasn't killed my hearing! :lol:
I have the same type of issue, but find it happens more frequently in department stores for some reason. It was really bad when I was younger, and made shopping a very unpleasant experience.