This is seriously fucking delicious

OK Mark, here is a test for you RIGHT NOW. Rank the following in order of preference: (a) the girl, (b) the bike, or (c) the Marlboro.


Doomcifer said:
I could use a pint of that and a FAT fucking bowl of dank after the past few days I've had. I hope it gets better starting tomorrow.

Join the club Doom. I had to have two trees taken down in my backyard (one of the things I need to do to try and sell my place) and one of the trees fell and basically knocked out my cable and internet connections for a week. They couldn't repair it, and my cable company wouldn't fix the problem until the tree debris was completely cleared out of my backyard. Of course, since I have no extra cash right now, I've basically been cleaning and watching DVD's for a week. The tree work cost over $1,000.

The day after the tree fell my basement flooded out due to my sewer drain becoming clogged up with tree roots. Cost me another $750 for emergency repairs and they couldn't guarantee the work unless they excavated the front yard and put in new pipes which would cost thousands more.

Needless to say, it's been a fun week.
That sucks Dark One. Hopefully it gets a lot better for you as well. Tree work is LOADS of money just to take them down.

It's just been a crazy few days for me at work due to almost getting into 3 fistfights on the road and some new motherfucker from Texas who thinks he is better than everyone else questioning my enthusiasm and cutting my throat. I basically stepped down today at work and told them I am out of there w/i 30 days.
Dark One said:
Thanks - just something I have to work through. Definitely at a low point right now, but we've all been there at various moments in time. Hopefully, the arrow points up from here.

Yeah, there is a sunrise even after the darkest of nights.


geez, that was kinda hallmark-ish. :tickled:
Doomcifer said:
That sucks Dark One. Hopefully it gets a lot better for you as well. Tree work is LOADS of money just to take them down.

Thanks. Yeah, tree work is no fun at all. Apparently, the crew hit some power lines as well, and while they didn't come down, they pulled off some of the siding of one of my neighbor's houses. Who do you think caught an earful for that? Anyway, they repaired that guy's place today.

Doomcifer said:
It's just been a crazy few days for me at work due to almost getting into 3 fistfights on the road and some new motherfucker from Texas who thinks he is better than everyone else questioning my enthusiasm and cutting my throat. I basically stepped down today at work and told them I am out of there w/i 30 days.

That sucks too dude - but yeah, if you're not happy, then you have to move on. I've always said that I don't care if I'm making 6 figures, if I'm going to die at 45 or something, then I'm in the wrong line of work. And there's no way around it either - work dominates your young to middle aged adult life.

Anyway, good luck!
that sucks Dark One and Doomcifer ... hope things take a better turn for you guys soon ...

@gugs ... fuck to this day I still have not tasted that Woodfords ... even bought it as gifts ... twice already ... but never treated myself to a bottle.

I think tomorrow will have to happen along with some fresh stogies :kickass: