This is the "What was the last drink you enjoyed"?

If it doesn't have to include alcohal then a beautiful Iced Tea at this Italian place I went to tonight with the family. Second best Iced Tea I've ever tasted. I drank three of them. (pissed four times when i got home).

Come to think about it, I enjoy everydrink I have.... still won't touch Screech though. Canucklehead... you must have Neuf in your blood.

It's been 7 years but 109 Proof Wild Turkey Rare Breed was my Favorite!!!!!
I have a Bottle My dad gave me on my birthday 8 years ago. Still unopened
I drank fucking Jaegermeister last night. What's with Jager and Tequila, they totally wipe memory from the brain!! all shit faced and woke up next to a stranger.
DumbAss said:
Come to think about it, I enjoy everydrink I have.... still won't touch Screech though. Canucklehead... you must have Neuf in your blood.

Nope, no Newf in me. Never even been there, though a lot of my friends are from there. And, none of them'll touch the stuff either. A couple shots of Screech will burn your tastebuds off and make Tequila taste like water. I think maybe I'll have a couple drinks of it tonight!!
Canucklehead said:
Nope, no Newf in me. Never even been there, though a lot of my friends are from there. And, none of them'll touch the stuff either. A couple shots of Screech will burn your tastebuds off and make Tequila taste like water. I think maybe I'll have a couple drinks of it tonight!!
hmmm.... is your milkman a Neuf???
Ok update for me. Last night I downed a whole bottle of Burgess 1993 Library Reserve. OMG and I still made it to work today.

What a shame, that wine is not easy to come by and I didn't even save it for a special occasion. Oh well, when you need a drink, you need a drink.
Last night i had about 10 bottles of Harboe Pilsner (at home), about 5 pints of Carlsberg (at the concert) and (I think) 3 or 4 Urquell. (at some bar) By the end of the night I had a small problem walking in a straight line. :)

Right now it´s repair time with the last Harboe....:ill:
Canucklehead said:
A couple shots of Screech will burn your tastebuds off and make Tequila taste like water. I think maybe I'll have a couple drinks of it tonight!!

What´ll seriously burn your taste buds is a drink called Æselspark (means: a kick by a donkey!) As far as i remember it involves Tequila, salt, pebber, tabasco sauce and some other alcohol i can´t remember... I tell ya, if the first one doesn´t make you roll ´round on the floor, the second will!

Also, another one, which has no name, is a good one. First tequila, then 5 drops of tabasco sauce, and then sambuca layered on top. Down the hatch! :kickass:

Finally there´s the sambuca:
First (like always) you set it on fire, then drink it, inhale the fumes, and rub your fingers round in the glass and suck on ´em. We all know that part. But then you take a straw and sniff the rest!!! Takes away even the worst case of the cold! :cool:
Had a glass of a real good Riesling from Washington state last night... also bought my yearly bottle of Ketel One vodka, my personal fave. I don't do the vodka that often, but this one is my favorite.

Also good is a shot of Smirnoff Raspberry Twist in a glass of ice, then you fill it with lemonade. Not only can you not tell there's booze in that drink, but after about five of them, you forget the English language.
Carlsberg Export - nice action.

Interspersed with Guiness - also nice, and some "herbal zoladkova" Polish vodka chasers. Consequently, Im completely fucked up. Now would be about the time where about any reply to a thread ive answered is likely to be answered by me saying

A) Im your best friend
) are you looking at my wife ?

c) I need to puke.