This is why it takes a special breed of human being to want to be in a touring band

for those of us who can't view the video right now, can anyone explain what happened?

...Touring sucks, BTW. At least touring with the "wrong people" sucks.
Hmmm, I wonder how well things went crossing back into the US what with the question of the bus's legal status.
hey, at least they have a driver so they don't have to drive and MAY be able to sleep, haha. Some bands don't even have that option. These guys are still better off than most bands.

I would have been infuriated if that was my bus that we paid for...... They should have stuck with this...
See the bus on the video? Guess what, I got a great deal on it for you guys! :lol::lol::lol:

still better than the normal 'band van'. at least they can stand up without stopping the car to get out.

i should have taken pictures of blackguard and powerglove's Van and trailer.... or the 12 of us sleeping in one hotel room for weeks on another tour we did... that was entertaining!

these guys also still have someone driving them around even though its a complete wreck of a rental. chances are there's a few really shitty drives on those tours.

bands themselves have to be smart with how they travel... To me it seems whoever was in charge of booking the traveling section of this trip didn't fully research all the costs of all their options. We ALMOST got this type of deal for the guardian tour.... "hey dude, i have a class C motorhome with slideouts and a trailer for $250 a day with me driving...". The dude then said he was going to mail us a contract and we never got it.

Also weighing in frustration vs money. I would rather work my ass off at my day job every day and save save save and pay to travel in some sorta less-stress free environment so the band can be rested and deliver a 100% show to the fans.

They probably would have been better off just renting and driving themselves but then again they are foreign and probably cant legally drive here lol, again, fault of whoever planned the trip and gave the OK to use this guy.
hey, at least they have a driver so they don't have to drive and MAY be able to sleep, haha. Some bands don't even have that option. These guys are still better off than most bands.

I would have been infuriated if that was my bus that we paid for...... They should have stuck with this...

yeah most bands have a van or RV they travel in because it saves alot of money. This bandwagon thing seems cool for mid-size bands that actually get paid on the road or for small acts that only tour once per cycle/album. For newbie bands that make 150-200 a night opening though doing 150-200 shows a year, it's logistically impossible to use one of these.
Also weighing in frustration vs money. I would rather work my ass off at my day job every day and save save save and pay to travel in some sorta less-stress free environment so the band can be rested and deliver a 100% show to the fans.

I don't think there's anything wrong with this. I do think though for bands who do hundreds of shows a year, there might not be time to work enough dayjob hours to pay for a really spacious/nice vehicle for all of those shows and unfortunately this is why alot of bands have to sacrifice and tour in shitty vehicles like the one in the video (and in even shittier ones, like a little 10 seater van.)
Interesting vid-- can't wait to see the continuation.

Woods of Ypres has been putting out tour vlogs on youtube since their tours last year (and their current tour ) so you get a (nice and distanced) feel of 4 guys in a van with all the gear piled in, flat tires, broken windshields, temperamental GPS-leading down dirt roads in the middle of Canada, and searching for morning breakfast, all while traveling the span of Canada and the US, playing to a few dozen folks, give or take, each night.

Here's a link to most of 'em
I don't think there's anything wrong with this. I do think though for bands who do hundreds of shows a year, there might not be time to work enough dayjob hours to pay for a really spacious/nice vehicle for all of those shows and unfortunately this is why alot of bands have to sacrifice and tour in shitty vehicles like the one in the video (and in even shittier ones, like a little 10 seater van.)

ya you know that's very true! with our band I really don't think it is necessary (arguably) to play like 150-200 shows a year.... Most of the time this happens its on a single album and they hit the same market 5-6 times playing the same stuff to the same crowd.... maybe one or two more people coming each time...

That is certainly the way to get it done by the book, though. However I would rather pay out my ass and land support for BIG tours a few more times than doing it the old fashioned way, also taking time to release new albums and new material while doing so. It may take a few years more but I think this is the best way to do it and will benefit the band in the long run...... It does something for the bands morale when you see an average of 500+ people a night... I think doing this it makes the longevity of a band last since they are not so burnt out on shitty shows.....

I asked Hansi how BG did it back in the day from where were at. He said only play one area once an album cycle on a big tour and that it was very important not to over play. You want people to miss your music and demand that you come back instead of just showing up once a month. I would like to believe that he is right considering the position they are in now after years and years of work.

Don't bands like blackguard and say Holy Grail get tour support from their label by selling them the rights to the music? If so, that would explain why they are always on the road!!! sorry, not for our band.

I had a chance to talk to Blackguard's singer this weekend. He said they were on the road since February and they were going back out with another (almost mainstream band) band right after the SX run. He said he was so tried and that he really wanted to go home and just sleep for like a week. I really believe that you could see this in their performance too. granted they slayed at the show with SX you could still see that they were VERY tired. they all had bags and lines in their face........ and opened again...... to a crowd that cant appreciate their music.

Bands will choose to do one or the other, I think these days though it is imperative to really be smart and think on how to bring yourself in the happy medium of all of this and to be smart with your financial decisions as a least for the beginning band longing for an eventual career like us.