This is why you're fat

Why did they put Toad in the Hole there? I know its not the healthiest meal around but its a tasty british traditional meal and I maintain that it is NOT the reason I'm fat...
there is no fat. Everybody who is fat is a hologram, created by the government, to trickle the influence from the upper class down to buy and consume more govt. $ponsered 'organic' food, grown in.......hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm.......never seen where, have you... does a field full of 'Substance D' ring any bells? :err:
once again, fat fingers. its becoming pretty annoying actually...

you have no idea how many times i have to edit or retype things in a post.
anyone who seriously thinks that shit looks good needs to be killed. a massive fat ass/junk genocide needs to take place in this filthy shithole
Corn Dog Casserole :lol: wtf

I love how they squeezed one long zig-zag of mustard across the whole thing.