This is why you're fat

well this is yet another example of how people abuse everything that nature has given to them and how they turned it into something sick and revolting. It's pathetic.
I mean, deep fried coca- cola ?! Seriously, go kill yourself.
Deep Fried Oreos kick ass. :kickass:

I want to try a deep fried hamburger. (bun and all)

Yes, I'm gonna die young.
Man, I was watching Diners Drive-ins and Dives one night and this burger joint took this massive hamburger that he just got done making, and deep fried the ENTIRE hamburger. When it was done, he cut it in half and I nearly busted in my pants that thing looked sooooooooooo good.
I miss when my mate worked in the chip shop.
If it weren't busy he'd deep fat fry basically anything you brought in food wise.

They have this stand at the local fair every year called "fried what?" They just have a deep fryer in the back, and they do that. They have a menu of stuff they have and fry for you, though.
Last year I had the fried cheesecake. I was unaware that 2 such magical things could exist alongside each other.
anyone who seriously thinks that shit looks good needs to be killed. a massive fat ass/junk genocide needs to take place in this filthy shithole

Pretty sure I'm significantly skinnier than you. I said it looked good, not that I would eat it, and I think everyone else who said it looked good also agreed they'd never eat it. I think we have more emaciated fucks than fatties around here.