This is why you're fat

Apple juice is godly.


Also this...


High pulp ftmfw!
Other times I'm more depressed than a mother after still birth.

Oh shit :lol:

But I hear that. If someone crosses me while I'm's a very dangerous situation. My anger is pretty explosive when I'm sober so it's even more extreme while under the influence.
Occasionally when I'm drunk I acquire a faux-British accent and begin talking like I'm from the Renaissance. I've amused numerous people that way.
Occasionally when I'm drunk I acquire a faux-British accent and begin talking like I'm from the Renaissance. I've amused numerous people that way.


I used to know some (obnoxious) guys who would start conversing in lines from the movie "Snatch" or just with that faux british accent during beer pong parties. It was funny until it started lasting the whole night.
Occasionally when I'm drunk I acquire a faux-British accent and begin talking like I'm from the Renaissance. I've amused numerous people that way.

That's funny considering that's how one of my buddies met the lady he's been with for over four years now. She was drunk and speaking to him in a British accent when they first met. He didn't see her for months and always wondered whatever became of the cute British girl from the club. They crossed paths again and have been together ever since. :D So keep working on that accent!

I doubt I'd ever actually fool anyone about my nationality, but I guess you never know.