This Just In....

yeah , Faust, from emperor, stabbed someone to death...

and of course we all know of Samoth's love for burning churches, haha
not sure about the new zyklon, haven't read anything about it, other than there's gonna be one.

I'm looking forward to hearing it, they're no Emperor of course, but still a good listen.
damn MY lack of a car too!!! yay!! someone to relate to!!! if you didn't know, i walk up to the library every day to use the library computers...ha......because of my lack of a car....
yeah, i know about that. i occasionally take a bus to the mall....what would be a ten minute drive to the mall is an hour bus
hmm.. yeah... cars are great.

too bad mine is a money pit, things keep breaking.

but hey, public transit is better for the environment.
haha, so i guess since most of my daily transportation is on foot, i should be proud....i'm just such a fuckin tree hugger:heh:
ct_thrash said:
i'm just such a fuckin tree hugger:heh:

(hey ct, you're so cool :blush: )

if I lived in a city, I'd ride my bike everywhere, but I'm a country foo', who's too far away from anything to make my bike worthwhile :cry:
HAHAHAHA!!!!!!! This actually made it to CNN! I laughed my ass off!!! They didn't mention the name of the band but I knew it couldn't have been anyone else. Truly funny, ironic and stupid all at the same time. The guy got his skull split by a skull. Mayhem should have dropped that shock stuff when they transcended the boundaries of black metal with Grand Declaration Of War. You'd think that they were above that kind of thing, but I guess a certain portion of their audience expects it. Oh well...I got a chuckle out of it, and I heard that they gave the guy a free ticket to their next show. I wonder if he'll go.

Fuast lured a gay man into the woods, stabbed him 4 times, then kicked him in the head till he died. Grishnack (a.k.a-christian vilkernes) ratted him out. Check out the book "lords of chaos" for more info. its a good read even if you dont like Black metal. and Faust did two lyrical songs for the new Zyklon album. Its not going to be as good without Daemon though. Faust is drumming for dissection now though.