This may sound a bit weird but...

Originally posted by Strangelight
I can relate to my favourite songwriters because they sing about real life and things that affect me personally. I dont really see that as art, but what is art? Ive forgot:confused: Is speaking your mind in songs art? Or is poetry about forests that doesnt really mean much art?

what i wanted to say is that some people just relate lyrics to their life just because they want to. and i know loads of songwriters try to put real life in an artistic perspective to make songs. then some listeners put their life in the same artistic perspective to make their life become a song and i think thats kinda cheesy. that's what i mean by letting the lyrics come to me and not trying by any mean necessary to relate all lyrics to your life. and you know what i think of poetry about eyes like stars in the night of my life ;)
It's an art to translate emotions into words and music.
Some people find comfort in lyrics because they describe what they're feeling. It sure helped me when going thru really bad times (that don't seem to end!!).

But it doesn't have to be that way. I like Finntroll too, don't understand a bit. And it's easy for them ..when forgetting some words (what happened in Antwerp) , no-one notices.
At least we have somethings in common eh? I'm not too bad these days but I know what you mean about getting on trains etc. I'm glad you got help cos nobody bothered to help me, quite the opposite in fact.
I don't know if I should say this in "public", but I ehhhh, I've been unbelievably close to suicide, but a very special girl helped me out in those times, and she has become my girlfriend after that... Because of those experiences I had back then, I believe now that you should always try to wait until everything becomes better again, no matter how incredibly hard that is.
Originally posted by speakinstone
:) That's great! All the best for you!!

:) thank you very much.
i go to a clinick in a week and have to stay there at least 5 months.
so i`m not able to be online(maybe in the weekends when i come home.)

lol at least then the phonebill is not that high;)
and don't y'all get too hung about that social phobia/agraphobia stuff, a lot of people suffer from it so its nothing to be ashamed of. Someone in my family suffers from it and it ain't no fun, but hopefully it improves with time.
Forlorn Hope said:
I don't know if I should say this in "public", but I ehhhh, I've been unbelievably close to suicide, but a very special girl helped me out in those times, and she has become my girlfriend after that... Because of those experiences I had back then, I believe now that you should always try to wait until everything becomes better again, no matter how incredibly hard that is.

funny.. the same happened to me when i got my boyfriend. little difference that sometimes i wish i would have died instead :)
it was the first day in my life i heard final cut from pink floyd, hehe, good example of misunderstanding the lyrics :) I still have no idea about what these lines mean e.g.:
"if you negotiate the minefield in the drive
and beat the dogs and cheat the cold electronic eyes
and if you make it past the shotgun in the hall"

what is negotiating a mindfield and what drive? why dogs? why cheat and what to do with the shotgon in which hall? err..
On a Hungarian forum there was a thread once called "Rockers=psychos?". And I think yeah, there's some connection between the two, or somehow those people who listen to such music are more prone to get soul diseases.
Dora said:
"if you negotiate the minefield in the drive
and beat the dogs and cheat the cold electronic eyes
and if you make it past the shotgun in the hall"

what is negotiating a mindfield and what drive? why dogs? why cheat and what to do with the shotgon in which hall? err..

I think to fully understand this, I should understand the word "drive" here. Out of its own context and into that of this thread, I'd say the minefield is the whole fucked up life with all its traps you can fall into even without noticing it. The dogs and electronic eyes may be those who would like to watch you fall, or maybe just simply watch you. You have to beat them to walk your own way and cast off all the shit that tries to flood you (yeah, just like fucking work playing a deadly trick on me today, hehe). The shotgun in the hall -- well, it may be either some external danger, either figurative or even literal (you may as well be killed by a real fucking shotgun these days), or some internal stuff (i.e. suicide or just self-destruction by not taking care of yourself either physically or mentally). If you make it past the bloody shotgun in the hall (just picture it, having a shotgun in your hall all the time, you come and go, open your door, then close it, and that shotgun is always there to remind you of the shit and that you could take it off, push it to your temple and pull the trigger), it means you survive, even if only one more day.

Possibly, it's all bullshit :grin: I don't even know the song or how the rest of the lyrics go. :erk:
ok, i liked most of your explanation really, bout the minefield but take the rest of the song into consideration.. "past the shotgun in the hall
dial the combination. open the priesthole
and if i'm in i'll tell you what's behind the wall".. it says open the priesthole.
Forlorn Hope said:
I believe now that you should always try to wait until everything becomes better again, no matter how incredibly hard that is.

wait? for me, it basically comes down to trying to see what's happening to me, and try to stay out of selfpity, by accepting the current situation as-is. then i try and create a new situation, which is best for me at that time. using opportunities (how little of significance they might be) to step out of that what's keeping me down on my quest to happiness.

i know it sounds far too simple, but that's how it works (for me - and sure, not always ;) ).
there are always exceptions to the rule (physical problems, for instance substances lacking from normal brain/phyche function), but i've found out that everything that happens 's gotta purpose; you will get what you can bare.