This maybe has been done before

Whose better?

  • Vintersorg

    Votes: 31 70.5%
  • Vortex

    Votes: 13 29.5%

  • Total voters
I would say I am partial to Vortex... but simply because he is on The Archaic Course which was one of my first black metal sorta albums.. They both are buggering wonderful at what they do... I remember being very worried when I heard he was gone.. but Empericism quickly became my second favorite Borkie album :)
I really like them both.
Anyway, I had a chance to hear Vortex live with Dimmu HamBurger last year. He was not as good as I expected :/
Yet I have never heard Vintersorg singing live..
Light said:
Don't you think Vortex sounds a bit like Kermit the frog?

In my opinion he sounds like a not-so-young man with super heavy weight and musculature. So I was surprised when i saw his photo (quite nice :grin:).

... of course there's a possibility that i wouldn't have been so surprised if i had seen him on live before, but i hadn't ...
... pictures usually lie... so i still dunno how he looks like...
Gorilla said:
In my opinion he sounds like a not-so-young man with super heavy weight and musculature. So I was surprised when i saw his photo (quite nice :grin:).

... of course there's a possibility that i wouldn't have been so surprised if i had seen him on live before, but i hadn't ...
... pictures usually lie... so i still dunno how he looks like...

Simen pretty much looks like his pictures ... you can see more of him at or you can get the world misanthropy dvd, he does a short interview on there ;)
Demonic_Angel said:
Simen pretty much looks like his pictures ... you can see more of him at or you can get the world misanthropy dvd, he does a short interview on there ;)

1. Gorilla has talked about Vortex (not Simen)
2. Who, the hell, is Simen?

I've never heard that any Simen sang with Borkies.
Do you mean the same Simen who sings/sang with Arcturus and Dimmu Hamburgers?