This new vocalist...


New Metal Member
Apr 27, 2006
Dude seriously...seriously just stop.... stop the fucking really high pitched falsettos! it doesn't fucking work at all man! I know i'm going to get flammed for this but it just doesn't work musicaly at all. They're just the most random pointless annoying shit ever. I've been a fan since dead and dreaming and I still love this cd although I don't think it tops buried at all. Point is Tim is an amazing vocalist so why do you even need this guy??? at least stop the fucking falsettos that sound exactly the same and don't work at all. What were you thinking?
Yeah. I don't know about this new vocalist. Those falsettos are killing me. I love the just plain kills...but the new vocalist just doesn't work for it.
LifeDepraved said:
Yeah. I don't know about this new vocalist. Those falsettos are killing me. I love the just plain kills...but the new vocalist just doesn't work for it.

I felt the exact same way when I first picked up the album, but the falsettos are growing on me quite a bit. I really do think they fit, while something else could have been put in their place I still think they work quite well. All in all I think Stu appears to be a very diverse vocalist and he did one hell of a job on the album. If anything I think he has an uncanny ability to channel Tim Owens at times. :headbang:
For me the falsettos were a nice surprise, adding yet another vocal style to the mix & giving them a good old British Heavy Metal sound. The only vocals I didn’t appreciate were the superpussy “oooh”s in Surrounded By Night. Other than that Stu did a great job.
BlueSky, I'm sorry that you are disappointed, but it's a pity that you think that your taste is everyone's taste... there are surely people who don't like the falsetto stuff, but probably tons more that do. I feel it's exactly this type of alternating between all sorts of vocals that defines much of Into Eternity's style and with Stu the range just got bigger. To me the high pitched stuff is totally in place and gives me goosebumps beyond belief!!!!!!!!! And that's coming from someone who is generally not into the Halford type of stuff (I do love a lot of high voices in old school US metal), but it's the alternating that makes that each type of vocals has so much more impact.

So my opinion on Stu's vocals is :kickass: :headbang: :worship: :cool: :loco: :worship: :hotjump: :danceboy: :heh:
I completly love the rob halford stuff in ther, it just makes me more disoriented when i listen to them because im like....wait black now death prog...or is it neo-classical....wait is that rob halford? :erk: :loco: o_O :yuk: :headbang:

I love how they combine all different things, the only thing that kind of annoys me on the album is the double bass sound on Jim but its still kinda cool.

The rob sdtuff is actually the reason I like the new album better than there old stuff the scream on Pain Through Breathing at like 1:45 made me piss my pants...which wasn't the first time the other times was on Biomechanical CD EOTW and Poison Godmachine by NM...
I remember Karl Sanders of Nile posting on their forum a while back saying he and Nergal of Behemoth had a long talk on their tour about people who think they should tell the band what direction to take their music in. Point is, it's THEIR music. If the vocals don't work for you...oh well. It's what they wanted to do. I got the cd and I personally think it's the best singer they've I'll listen. If I didn't like him, I simply wouldn't listen. Don't try to tell a band what to do with THEIR music.
Do you know how much we actually LISTEN to JUDAS PRIEST or say...... DRAGONFORCE around here... LOTS. I remember listening to the studio cdr of Timeless Winter and heard Tim and Stu wondering if people would like it... then they said "piss on it, some will love it, some will hate it, its like ANY BAND you don't like everything, but its OUR band so it doesn't matter... the right people will get the point"

and for that matter, I THINK (my 2 cents) for everyone who doesn't like it 3 new people are going to hear it and love it...

I think this album is fucking great!
Don't like it? Don't buy it.

Into Eternity isn't a McDonald's restaurant where you can order your Big Mac without pickles. If you don't like it, get the Chicken McNuggets instead.

Does that make sense?
I just hate the fact that all the falsettos are the same. And comparing to Halford is rediculous.

And of course people are gonna bring up the "It's the bands music...blahblah..."...Sure it is...doesn't mean I have to like a certain aspect of it.

They did great with the album. Definetly musicians that have talent and actually use it to make quality music unlike most bands out there. I just don't like the new vocalist, plain and simple.

marlies: I don't think my taste is everyones taste by anyones means.
mikeevil666: I already stated how I enjoy the cd. so no I don't get what you're talking about.

Hell it's great everyone liked variety here as do I but the point is this just doesn't work at all "musically." I'm not a big fan of falsettos to begin with but usually there is a rhyme or reason why it's there in the first place and secondly it doesn't sound exactly the same every time because that's not variety. Truthfuly It's prolly the worst falsetto i've ever heard actually. Someone who does something that doesn't belong in the song and is just trying to show off their technical skill is a "wanker" period. It's like a 5 year old girl who has a highpitch but no idea about tone. Wanna know why the old singer was better? because he considered tone for fuck sakes.

I'd like to add one more thing. I like this band enough to be honest because i'm not just gonna be a fanboy. I also enjoy the old bassist more because based off the cds he has better ideas but the new bassist is still really good and fits. It's sad that they lost prolly the best lineup they will ever have but such is life.. I think it has clouded somepeoples judgements in the band.
blue sky shame on you and your parents for that matter, didn't they teach you if you don't have something positive to say keep it to yourself??(guess not) I mean if you want to dis stu could you please at least do it on the proper forum ( like blabbermouth for example, which is the proper forum for useless posts) and not soil the messageboard of maybe one of the greatest bands to walk the earth. and here is my 2 cents, your opinions blows ass!!! stu has added a new dimension and I thank him for that and I thank you for wasting 5 minutes of my day.
drifter620 said:
blue sky shame on you and your parents for that matter, didn't they teach you if you don't have something positive to say keep it to yourself??(guess not) I mean if you want to dis stu could you please at least do it on the proper forum ( like blabbermouth for example, which is the proper forum for useless posts) and not soil the messageboard of maybe one of the greatest bands to walk the earth. and here is my 2 cents, your opinions blows ass!!! stu has added a new dimension and I thank him for that and I thank you for wasting 5 minutes of my day.

Can't do that anymore!

Blabbermouth is cleaning up all the comments, Anyone insulting, bashing, flamming, hating towards bands, will be banned no questions asked...

Plus they disabled signups until they've got everything cleaned up.

But as this thread goes, I am totally digging the new vocalist, that Rob Halford soundalike in Timeless Winter fucking owns!!!

Stu isn't the singer, he's the back up doing like the high pitched sound...

he wasn't on Buried In Oblivion, he's the new guy
Wait.. everyone can voice their opinions and no one has to like everything about the band. What I don't like is when people are telling the band to fucking do this or do that, and when they're stating a lot of things as if it's the only truth, when apparently (since most of us disagree) it's mostly a matter of taste. BlueSky, you are assuming that others feel/think/experience things the same way as you do. And that's apparently not the case.