This new vocalist...

ShadowsWithin said:
Its much more versatile than the other albums, it adds everything from the old albums but adds new things in there like the black metal influences.

and if you serioulsy thing that stu's falsettos aren't very good then you serioulsy need to stop listening to music...right now, the only person i can compare stus falsettos to is Warrel Dane John K. and mabye Rob Halford a lil but robs kinda in another league. I haven't heard falsettos like that for a while.
Saying it's much more versatile and the blackmetal comment is almost laughable.

I actually think IE is the best metal metal band after nevermore.
then apparently you haven't heard the entire album theres deffinitly some BM influence in there.

either that or i've been listening to the wrong Black/Folk/Viking metal bands...

also you asked us if we thought this album was more or less versatile than there past efforts and I was saying it was...mainly because it is.
You should see what stu does with the ending part to “selling god” live. It’s way better than the record version. Not that the record version isn’t great, but stu does have a lot more control of his vocals than you might think. And yeah you shouldn’t judge people till you see them live and in person.

And don’t you worry stu, we all know you rule
ShadowsWithin said:
then apparently you haven't heard the entire album theres deffinitly some BM influence in there.

either that or i've been listening to the wrong Black/Folk/Viking metal bands...

also you asked us if we thought this album was more or less versatile than there past efforts and I was saying it was...mainly because it is.
Buried had more death metal influences then the past cds but still retained most of the old elements and this one just took it further in one direction and lost a lot in other directions. Sure there is some blacknmetal riffs and schreeches but nothing I would make too much of a mention about. Now you need to understand taking the music into more of a death metal extreme doesn't make it more versitile at all man. :lol:
BlueSky said:
Buried had more death metal influences then the past cds but still retained most of the old elements and this one just took it further in one direction and lost a lot in other directions. Sure there is some blacknmetal riffs and schreeches but nothing I would make too much of a mention about. Now you need to understand taking the music into more of a death metal extreme doesn't make it more versitile at all man. :lol:
Did I ever say that they were more versatile because of death metal? I was just saying they where more versatile because there adding more stuff to the songs not just death metal.
wow i missed some good shit in this thread.

there is no double harmonizing you speak of with protools on any of their albums. its all natural overdubs with tim and stu just as they do live.

I agree with the statement about tone to a certain extent. He surely isn't Warrel Dane, who has great tone control, but he also isn't nearly as bad as you say. I think it is one of his weaknesses, but it is far from weak. also he has a great range that isn't all about wanking, if it were that he'd be high most of the time like a cool thrash band called Magus Beast, i know, does.

also rob halford is overrated, he's good but he isn't god. WD gets higher range in his Sanctuary/Serpent's Knight days and stu easily beats him. I have seen this band live many times. each time they are better than the last. stu does whats on CD live. he hits those notes and does what you hear on the CD. as far as him mastering his vocal ability i'm sure he hasn't, he's a musician where you gotta keep working at your skill. to assume someone has mastered their instrument when they walk into one of their first major bands is absurd. He started out great and will continue to excell and improve.

And yeah you shouldn’t judge people till you see them live and in person.
- couldn't agree more. the crappy digital camera recordings don't show anything of what stu can do live. it may sound 'off' because its a crappy camera recording, the distortion twists what you hear sometimes.
ShadowsWithin said:
Did I ever say that they were more versatile because of death metal? I was just saying they where more versatile because there adding more stuff to the songs not just death metal.
oh man. This is the last thing i'm going to say about this. I asked how you guys felt about how the whole cd is less versitile. They really haven't gained much ground in new territories that they haven't already explored already. but they did leave out a lot of elements from the past like more progressive songstructures, etc. etc. WHICH MAKES IT A LESS VERSITILE CD AS A WHOLE. wow this ain't rocket science, VERSITILE means there is a great balance not more to one extreme.
zmetallica said:
wow i missed some good shit in this thread.

there is no double harmonizing you speak of with protools on any of their albums. its all natural overdubs with tim and stu just as they do live.

I agree with the statement about tone to a certain extent. He surely isn't Warrel Dane, who has great tone control, but he also isn't nearly as bad as you say. I think it is one of his weaknesses, but it is far from weak. also he has a great range that isn't all about wanking, if it were that he'd be high most of the time like a cool thrash band called Magus Beast, i know, does.

also rob halford is overrated, he's good but he isn't god. WD gets higher range in his Sanctuary/Serpent's Knight days and stu easily beats him. I have seen this band live many times. each time they are better than the last. stu does whats on CD live. he hits those notes and does what you hear on the CD. as far as him mastering his vocal ability i'm sure he hasn't, he's a musician where you gotta keep working at your skill. to assume someone has mastered their instrument when they walk into one of their first major bands is absurd. He started out great and will continue to excell and improve.
thank you, althouh the rob halford thing kind of bugs me because they played a live JP song a couple of days ago (don't know what song I didnt recognize it, or mabye i did it was too long and to remember) and he did a shit load of falsettos and held one of them for like 20 seconds and it was as high pitched as id ever seen him go which was incredible I never knew he could do that kind of stuff before hearing that...he had alot of control too.

^^^lol now your just being rediculous forget it its obviouls your going to keep that opinion...for some stupid reason.
zmetallica said:
wow i missed some good shit in this thread.

there is no double harmonizing you speak of with protools on any of their albums. its all natural overdubs with tim and stu just as they do live.

I agree with the statement about tone to a certain extent. He surely isn't Warrel Dane, who has great tone control, but he also isn't nearly as bad as you say. I think it is one of his weaknesses, but it is far from weak. also he has a great range that isn't all about wanking, if it were that he'd be high most of the time like a cool thrash band called Magus Beast, i know, does.

also rob halford is overrated, he's good but he isn't god. WD gets higher range in his Sanctuary/Serpent's Knight days and stu easily beats him. I have seen this band live many times. each time they are better than the last. stu does whats on CD live. he hits those notes and does what you hear on the CD. as far as him mastering his vocal ability i'm sure he hasn't, he's a musician where you gotta keep working at your skill. to assume someone has mastered their instrument when they walk into one of their first major bands is absurd. He started out great and will continue to excell and improve.

- couldn't agree more. the crappy digital camera recordings don't show anything of what stu can do live. it may sound 'off' because its a crappy camera recording, the distortion twists what you hear sometimes.
I actually agree with most of what you said. yes I really want to and do need to see them live before I open up a can of worms. but also I never said the double harmonizing was done in by a protools effect but what I meant is they prolly used a lot of protools to get his voice sounding the way it did anyhow on the entire record. it's just what bands do these days.and yes rob isn't as talented as warrel by a long shot or even a lot of other people these days.

p.s. I still stand by my thoughts of how bad his highpitched vox are.
zmetallica said:
one of the first times i saw IE they were chilling between sets in the crowd in the venue, stu was just going around doing crazy falsettos for fun (cause it is) he held em pretty long too.

Hell if i could do falsetto I'd probably be doing them all the time too, that shit is hard.


EDIT: speaking of falsettos have oyu guys heard Jari Maenpaa? he's not THAT great but he can do a bad ass scream.
This is never gonna end...

Alright why do we have to argue about what other people are saying when he stated his opinion on what he thinks why don't we just do the same...

Isn't it freedom of speech?
BlueSky said:
vocalist who has the ego

Alright back to being a "bitch fest" but have you ever MET STU? That guy is one of the most down to earth vocalists I have met. He's got less of an ego than most of the singers of bigger local bands have.

/end rant.

But then again, this is from a person who thinks that the singer of Nevermore has talent... Talk about pitch problems and tone control EEK! :yuk:

zmetallica said:
i always think perfection sounds ugly, its the little imperfections that make sound pleasant to hear. if someone's voice sounded as flawless as a sine wave i doubt many people would want to hear them.

It was half tounge in cheek. People were saying that Stu's vocals were off but were praising another's vocal talent when they were obvioulsy more off. :) Being silly and off to bed for the night.

I still think Stu's vocals rule and the harmonies make me want to thrash!

MetalRose said:
Alright back to being a "bitch fest" but have you ever MET STU? That guy is one of the most down to earth vocalists I have met. He's got less of an ego than most of the singers of bigger local bands have.

/end rant.

But then again, this is from a person who thinks that the singer of Nevermore has talent... Talk about pitch problems and tone control EEK! :yuk:

I'm talking about in terms of music which means a musicians ego as a musician opposed to their actual everyday life ego. I know nothing about his actual ego. There's this thing musicians laugh about how guitarist always think they are right even when they are wrong.
zmetallica said:
i always think perfection sounds ugly, its the little imperfections that make sound pleasant to hear. if someone's voice sounded as flawless as a sine wave i doubt many people would want to hear them.
agreed again but this time it doesn't work even in that sense