Can you believe this shit people?


In The Twilight World
Jan 7, 2003

King Chaos said:
Necrophobic - Bloodhymns

Q: You?
Taliesin said:
A: Probably Emperor's "Anthems To The Welkin At Dusk"

Q: You?
TheNewBuild said:
A: Enslaved - Frost

Q: You?
KryptoN said:
A: Naglfar - Pariah

Q: you?
solefald said:
A:Solefald-The linear Scaffold


A nerd could make a bot more interesting than you people. It's just fucking boring, doesn't anyone else just get fucking bored of this, along with all the pseudo-depressed crap? Why do you do it? Would someone else post a new thread as well?
I tried to be more interesting myself, but I got tired of it, more importantly I got tired of it not mattering at all. All the threads over 20 pages just need to go or this board will remain dead. That's more like a statement than a demand, by the way.
Oh no now I'm posting a state-of-the-board thread.

But seriously, as un-seriously as people keep telling others to take the Internet. You people are just being so fucking boring.
Gah, this again. What's interesting to you TFH? We'll all just change the way we are for you if you want. The only thread you ever seem to post in is the Now playing thread... and what is the fucking point in that? You pointed out that people stating their favourite albums was boring, when your most recent posts are something like "I'm not emo... I was just in the mood... NP: Korn"

I tell you, my heart skipped a beat when I read that :rolleyes:. So I'm calling you out Boyo, get interesting for me before you fault this board. Why don't you have an avatar by the way? You'd be interesting if you got one.
Are you competing with Misanthrope, TFH?
No he's just pointing the painfully obvios. Each time i check the forum the only new post are on those bullshit threads. Rahvin should just merge them all togheter in one "bullshit random one liner coments and emo crap thread"
haha ok this board was more active or interesting some years ago before I went to army but anyway it isnt dead.
and its even the best board on UM , If I compare to the opeth or anathema(R.I.P because of stupidity), so I dont care. and hey this is the question and answer thread and we were talking about blackmetal so who cares????
TheFourthHorseman said:

A nerd could make a bot more interesting than you people. It's just fucking boring, doesn't anyone else just get fucking bored of this, along with all the pseudo-depressed crap? Why do you do it? Would someone else post a new thread as well?
I tried to be more interesting myself, but I got tired of it, more importantly I got tired of it not mattering at all. All the threads over 20 pages just need to go or this board will remain dead. That's more like a statement than a demand, by the way.
Oh no now I'm posting a state-of-the-board thread.

But seriously, as un-seriously as people keep telling others to take the Internet. You people are just being so fucking boring.

Kalmah - Swampsong... you?
solefald said:
haha ok this board was more active or interesting some years ago before I went to army but anyway it isnt dead.
and its even the best board on UM , If I compare to the opeth or anathema(R.I.P because of stupidity), so I dont care. and hey this is the question and answer thread and we were talking about blackmetal so who cares????

It isnt dead, is just pathetic, the least worst of a piece of shit server/comunity.
DGR XVI said:
and here we go. AGAIN.

At least the Question/answer thread may be funny. This is not even funny.

Shut the fuck up if you dont like it. Go post about how misanthrope told you to shove your feelings up your fucking ass on the emo thread, you are a fucking nobody and you cant say what people can and cannot do and people is free to bitch as much as they want to because Dark Tranquillity deserves better than this piece of shit board or this retarded morons that call themselves "fans" nowdays.
What's the matter TFH? I thought it was a mutual agreement not to take things seriously anymore, so here I am, not taking it seriously. I felt like answering the question without coming up with a question myself. If you want the board to be more interesting, make an effort and stop complaining
Taliesin said:
What's the matter TFH? I thought it was a mutual agreement not to take things seriously anymore, so here I am, not taking it seriously. I felt like answering the question without coming up with a question myself. If you want the board to be more interesting, make an effort and stop complaining

So in other words "Dont complain, we will continue to be retards and you can make meaningfull threads and conversation by yourself?"
TheFourthHorseman said:
but I got tired of it, more importantly I got tired of it not mattering at all.

i can't blame you, and i agree with you. however, try and consider if it matters on any other board. i've come to the same conclusion for every place i've visited, except technical forums, fanfiction forums, and every board where the specific purpose defeats the general "building community" effect.

All the threads over 20 pages just need to go or this board will remain dead.

they'll go when they've reached about 3500 answers, but i know this is not what you were asking. and people will start new ones anyway.
You could mergue them all. As far as i see it your responsability to your friends does not involves letting the forum become mindless off topic babble, just because there is no specific propose doesnt means is a random forum i mean it IS about a band, spam does not "build community" it just creates the illusion of one because people are not actually interacting they are just posting random shit.
in merged threads, posts fall into place according to the time they were created. imagine this happening to "random facts", "now feeling", "q&a", and "pic" at the same time: all shreds of conversation would be shattered, and that'd probably work as an even bigger put-off to those who might want to interact as opposed to flaunt their awesome ocd-driven listing skills. so i'm not going to do that on existing material.

as for future threads, i'm not comfortable fighting a situation that the majority approves of, unless i think i could really make a difference. whether i make it easier or harder for the regulars here to post the kind of messages tfh was complaining about, i'm not going to turn them into fast debaters of chinese philosophy. so i might as well not make it harder for them and leave a few main chat topics separate. i'm mainly referring to "feelings" and "q&a" here. "random facts" is a redundant feelings thread and as soon as it's reached its 3500-posts limit, i'll try and bury the concept, telling everyone they can post the very same things on the "feelings" thread. the same goes for "person above me". so, that's three cut down to one, at least.
rahvin said:
in merged threads, posts fall into place according to the time they were created. imagine this happening to "random facts", "now feeling", "q&a", and "pic" at the same time: all shreds of conversation would be shattered, and that'd probably work as an even bigger put-off to those who might want to interact as opposed to flaunt their awesome ocd-driven listing skills. so i'm not going to do that on existing material.

as for future threads, i'm not comfortable fighting a situation that the majority approves of, unless i think i could really make a difference. whether i make it easier or harder for the regulars here to post the kind of messages tfh was complaining about, i'm not going to turn them into fast debaters of chinese philosophy. so i might as well not make it harder for them and leave a few main chat topics separate. i'm mainly referring to "feelings" and "q&a" here. "random facts" is a redundant feelings thread and as soon as it's reached its 3500-posts limit, i'll try and bury the concept, telling everyone they can post the very same things on the "feelings" thread. the same goes for "person above me". so, that's three cut down to one, at least.

But this was not the case, due to many factors these fucking idiots that were minority suddenly became minority and now you are respecting their wishes? By that logic a small group of posters could come here to spam how crappy DT is and drive people out and then you wouldnt be able to do anything about it because they are the majority?

Some people just need to leave Rahvin, they are not apporting any "comunity feel" and they rarely ever talk about the band this is not a "come post random crap" forum it still says dark tranquillity on the top. Im sorry you fucking missed your chance but consider this for the next album relase when alot of new people suddenly become interested.
Misanthrope said:
But this was not the case, due to many factors these fucking idiots that were minority suddenly became minority and now you are respecting their wishes? By that logic a small group of posters could come here to spam how crappy DT is and drive people out and then you wouldnt be able to do anything about it because they are the majority?

wait, i think you missed my point: it wouldn't matter that they are the majority if i thought i could change something through my intervention. say a bunch of people come and there's 40 of them and they all start posting midget porn. i delete the midget porn. problem solved. same thing if just a minority of people were interested in chat threads: i come down hard on chat threads and let the rest survive. problem solved. but if 99% don't create new debates and discussions, i cannot make them, and i cannot summon new people to do that. so, basically, short of shutting down the place, i can either leave a few chat threads and have *that* as main forum content, or have *silence* as main forum content. it wouldn't help to pick the latter, as the same users would fill it with the same kind of messages. i cannot reasonably treat "today a bug bit me :( :( :(" the way i would treat midget porn.

clown porn, now, that'd be different.