OK, people......I'm sick of this shit......

"I'm just saying that to a new fan, a thread like that will turn them off of the band"

Well, if someone is turned off of a band because of its message board, then that person is pretty pathetic.
Neveruary said:
Well, allow the quasi-noob to speak, if you will. And Tee, you wonder why I don't post here much, well, here's your answer.

The ridiculous bigotry being disguised as a fucking joke. You wanna make fools of yourselves by making idiotic threads, be my guest. I'll even take part in those.

However, bigotry, even in jest, is bigotry. If you post the word "my pals" without a hint of remorse signifies to me that a good handful of the community here subscribes to that tripe. Even if you back-track, I won't believe you. I can't. It's there, and it's already been said.

I'm not Jewish. I'm not black. I'm just a white guy in Ohio. But I am deeply offended, because there is no place for such hatred. It's no joke. It is putrid ignorance, and those who find humor in horrible idealisms such as these are no friends of mine.
Incredibly well stated.... my thoughts exactly.
I think if we were concentrating more on topics that generate a positive vibe, we'd all be happier. I'm not saying that controversy will be avoided if this is done... (because debate is always good... it helps open up your mind) but it will start up some cool topics that will actually have some use in all of our lives. (rather than some silly racist/overly negative topic that people end up arguing about-- not because it can be looked at from different points of view, but because there is no use for it in our lives--- long-term or short-term).
I mean, I know we should be discussing the band, because this is their forum... but if we ever deviate from that, make the topic interesting and open to a wholesome debate.
Neveruary said:
Well, allow the quasi-noob to speak, if you will. And Tee, you wonder why I don't post here much, well, here's your answer.

The ridiculous bigotry being disguised as a fucking joke. You wanna make fools of yourselves by making idiotic threads, be my guest. I'll even take part in those.

However, bigotry, even in jest, is bigotry. If you post the word "my pals" without a hint of remorse signifies to me that a good handful of the community here subscribes to that tripe. Even if you back-track, I won't believe you. I can't. It's there, and it's already been said.

I'm not Jewish. I'm not black. I'm just a white guy in Ohio. But I am deeply offended, because there is no place for such hatred. It's no joke. It is putrid ignorance, and those who find humor in horrible idealisms such as these are no friends of mine.
well, Cee, you know I meant that ironically, when I asked you that...
I like this thread a lot, how it was started and the point Raven made here. but it's surely a bad beginning of a Monday morning. I got pretty much upset... by some btw comments...
Cee, see you on chat....
Ugh. Retardation. Quit the racist crap cause it's NOT FUNNY. That's the main offense. It just comes off as stupid and hateful, as opposed to amusing and hateful. Generally, when people make "kill the Jews" jokes and they're smart enough to make 'em funny, they're also smart enough not to be a racist numbfuck. If they just sound stupid, then they're probably stupid.

And yeah, not only is this probably gonna present the bad badly if their forum is clogged with "Fucking Jews"-type threads, it's probably just another nail in the coffin in terms of Jeff getting this mothafucka shut down. Bad times.

Bottom line: think before you post. Logic. Make sure it's funny, and beware the wrath of Loomis.

Now everybody chill and let's have some Sky vodka. Or Cuervo. Or amaretto di santo. Or something, anything, I'm not picky. Rock it.
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i agree with Raven, and what Lord of metal said on the first page.
also- i agree that forums suppose to be funny.
a thread like "fruit of the loomis" is funny,
but that "fucking jews" thread....

i dont care if its a "dumb" thread, or a "joke".
i dont like it. and i dont like those things in the forum of a band i happen to like.
like i said on this thread: there are some things i prefer to keep out, like politics, or religion. two which are not important when we are here to discuss music or to have fun.

im still trying to figure out some of these threads, i havent spent too much time here....

anyhoo Raven- well said.
Tee said:
well, Cee, you know I meant that ironically, when I asked you that...
I like this thread a lot, how it was started and the point Raven made here. but it's surely a bad beginning of a Monday morning. I got pretty much upset... by some btw comments...
Cee, see you on chat....
Let me know what upset you, and I'll clarify my position. I meant no disrespect to you, and I hope you realize that.
Neveruary said:
Let me know what upset you, and I'll clarify my position. I meant no disrespect to you, and I hope you realize that.
well, nothing of what you said made me upset. :lol: some others though...
Unofficial Rules of the Nevermore Board said:
Unoffical Rule of the Nevermore Board #324-A

Under no circumstances should ANYONE EVER take one of RIP50's posts seriously.

Unoffical Rule of the Nevermore Board #324-B

Under no circumstances should ANYONE EVER pay attention to RIP50's posts, lest he make more.
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