This new vocalist...

Half the people on here seem like whiny fan boys/girls. It's cool to give your own opinion on here, but to say the starter of the thread can't voice his opinion about this subject is pathetic. He said everything in as much as a respectful way as you can when talking about something like that and you just try to bite his head off with ignorant and nonfunny remarks.

Most people try the shake it all off and take it with a grain of salt but they just want to add more fuel to the fire. The threadstarter kept what he said clean as could be....It's just an opinion of his, you don't have to share it. Grow up.
LifeDepraved said:
Half the people on here seem like whiny fan boys/girls. It's cool to give your own opinion on here, but to say the starter of the thread can't voice his opinion about this subject is pathetic. He said everything in as much as a respectful way as you can when talking about something like that and you just try to bite his head off with ignorant and nonfunny remarks.

Most people try the shake it all off and take it with a grain of salt but they just want to add more fuel to the fire. The threadstarter kept what he said clean as could be....It's just an opinion of his, you don't have to share it. Grow up.
Lol np the reason he's getting flamed is because he didn't give any valid reasons to why they don't belong in the songs...
FadeToBlack768 said:
I got another question, about falsettos. Is that the same as harmonizing?

From wikipedia:

Falsetto (IPA: Italian [falˈsetto], General American [fɔlˈsɛtoʊ], RP[fɒlˈsetəʊ] is a singing technique that produces sounds that are pitched higher than the singer's normal range.

Falsetto is produced via expansion and separation of vocal cords where only the edges of the vocal cord vibrate, not the entire vocal cord. Not to be confused with head voice, falsetto is produced differently from head voice, in which 1/4th of the cord vibrates as in chest voice in addition to the falsetto edge vibrating.

The falsetto register was used by male countertenors to sing in the alto and occasionally the soprano range, before women sang in choirs. Falsetto is occasionally used by early music specialists today. It is common in modern music due to its ability to give singers a higher range, although it is not often counted by classical purists as a part of the vocal range in anyone, bar countertenors.
LifeDepraved said:
It's cool to give your own opinion on here, but to say the starter of the thread can't voice his opinion about this subject is pathetic.

He said everything in as much as a respectful way as you can when talking about something like that

The threadstarter kept what he said clean as could be....It's just an opinion of his, you don't have to share it. Grow up.

3 parts of the quote..
I very much agree with the first part, but disagree with the other two segments. The way it's written is not just showing an opinion, it's telling the band what they should do and claiming to know facts that don't seem facts to me.
Marlies said:
eh? Stu did about 90% of all vocals on the new album, from the deep growls to the high falsettos...

Oooops, my bad, Im still new to Into Eternity, cause they have like 3 singers LOL...but oh well ok then, sorry for my misled information :(
ShadowsWithin said:
Lol np the reason he's getting flamed is because he didn't give any valid reasons to why they don't belong in the songs...
I gave plenty of reasons. For one and this is a big thing maybe the biggest for a band, tone and being in key unless you enjoy the singer to sound like he's singing a totally different song but if that's your thing cool!
ShadowsWithin said:
Actually yes I do...
can't help you with that one:lol:

just calm down people all I want is IE to be the best they can be. It's called being subjective and you might wanna try it sometime it helps motivation and progression. 1st step to any program is to realize your own fault. No one is perfect people so deal with it.
Here is the most respectable way I can put it without offending anyone so ignore my other post if you will. I see a very limited vocalist who has the ego of a guitarist who plays too fast for his skills. It's not about reaching the highest pitch. It's about singing to your skill level and going as high as you can while you can still master that pitch. If you can only stay in one key in your highest pitch and your tone is horrible then don't do it and especially not on cd and don't ever overdue anything because then it totally loses its value.

Now personal opinion: I've always love IE because they maintain their technical aspects without wondering into the realm of cheese and this my friends at least to me has gone way past that line.
hahahahahahaha WTF!?!
Stu is a fucking badass. The falsettos bring so much more to the table. Its so fucking hard to hit the highs that he is hitting.. I give him mad props (yo!1)
BlueSky said:
Here is the most respectable way I can put it without offending anyone so ignore my other post if you will. I see a very limited vocalist who has the ego of a guitarist who plays too fast for his skills. It's not about reaching the highest pitch. It's about singing to your skill level and going as high as you can while you can still master that pitch. If you can only stay in one key in your highest pitch and your tone is horrible then don't do it and especially not on cd and don't ever overdue anything because then it totally loses its value.

Now personal opinion: I've always love IE because they maintain their technical aspects without wondering into the realm of cheese and this my friends at least to me has gone way past that line.
Are you sure were listening to the same band because everything you just said is the exact opposite of what Stu is...hes incredible because he is so versatile, ive never heard anything about his ego so i can comment but your saying that hes not vey skilled when he is (fact) he can do a wide variety of vocals and not only that but he can do them all incredibly well.

and he does OVER DO anything he uses it in about half the songs once or twice, in parts where its very appropriate. and if you dont likke cheesy musci then gtfo even though I can't find any cheesieness in this music at all....if you want over the top cheese listen to fucking Korpliklaani or Rhapsody of fire.
BlueSky said:
Here is the most respectable way I can put it without offending anyone so ignore my other post if you will. I see a very limited vocalist who has the ego of a guitarist who plays too fast for his skills. It's not about reaching the highest pitch. It's about singing to your skill level and going as high as you can while you can still master that pitch. If you can only stay in one key in your highest pitch and your tone is horrible then don't do it and especially not on cd and don't ever overdue anything because then it totally loses its value.

Now personal opinion: I've always love IE because they maintain their technical aspects without wondering into the realm of cheese and this my friends at least to me has gone way past that line.

ShadowsWithin said:
Are you sure were listening to the same band because everything you just said is the exact opposite of what Stu is...hes incredible because he is so versatile, ive never heard anything about his ego so i can comment but your saying that hes not vey skilled when he is (fact) he can do a wide variety of vocals and not only that but he can do them all incredibly well.
Everyone is limited in some way which doesn't mean they aren't talented in other ways. His higher pitched vocals are very limited. Things that come to mind beginning of "nothing" doesn't work at all prolly because he just can't pull it also suspended belief the the falsetto tone is horrible. His higher pitched vocals aren't mastered and the tone is shit. I actually enjoy the rest of his vocal(although they are always double harmonized so it's hard to say how he sounds without that) besides the higher pitched screeches as well which just plain get on my nerves at times. Coming back to the doubled harmonized thing and also PROTOOLS i've seen live videos and although they are ruff because the crappy recording, he doesn't sound good live from what i've heard.

also i'm just wondering about you guys who talk about versatility feel about how this album overall is a lot less versatile then the last efforts?
Its much more versatile than the other albums, it adds everything from the old albums but adds new things in there like the black metal influences.

and if you serioulsy thing that stu's falsettos aren't very good then you serioulsy need to stop listening to music...right now, the only person i can compare stus falsettos to is Warrel Dane John K. and mabye Rob Halford a lil but robs kinda in another league. I haven't heard falsettos like that for a while.