This new vocalist...

To me, I just don't think his falsetto's fit the music...his growls are top notch though.

In today's metal scene we are bombarded with these half asses screeches and these guys obviously don't know what they're doing. Now I might not think his falsetto's fit...but I'll take them any day over some Myspace Metalcore, Deathcore...whatever nonsense bullshit that's out there.

Me, myself...I love to do falsetto's...I practice lots! Just to my ear it doesn't fit with the music...sure it's something different, but different isn't always good and it isn't always bad. And we can't all be the same and agree on the same thing. And that's what makes us individuals.

Well now, I think I'm done.
BlueSky said:
I'm talking about in terms of music which means a musicians ego as a musician opposed to their actual everyday life ego. I know nothing about his actual ego. There's this thing musicians laugh about how guitarist always think they are right even when they are wrong.
agreed again but this time it doesn't work even in that sense
I didn't mean his falsettos i meant his normal nevermore singing.
ShadowsWithin said:
I didn't mean his falsettos i meant his normal nevermore singing.
sorry I misunderstood what you were trying to get at. I retract that statement.
heh. At least I can admit when I made a mistake. Although you might want to be more specific when you make statements.
i have to admit, the first time i saw IE live was right when Stu joined up with them... and it might have been a bad mix or something... but Stu sounded so off compared to what i was used to. His takes on songs for BiO and DoD were strange, considering vocals that high weren't on there. also, Tim was sick, and didn't do any back up vocals. So it was just Stu, and that's why i think i didn't like it much. I'm not a big fan of falsettos, but i love clean vocals in metal. i think its much harder to pull off clean vocals than growls any day... not saying growls aren't hard to do, but its much harder to write a singing part to a metal song. but yeah, i like Stu now, i think he sounds pretty good live now that I got used to him.

oddly enough, the only vocalist that I feel live sounds exactly like the CDs is Mikael from Opeth. his cleans and growls sound exactly like the cd, atleast when i've seen them. regardless, i like to see variety, that's the point of seeing the songs live. i want to see them played right in front of me, some things changed. that sort of stuff.

either way, people are entitled to opinions and that's how it shall stand
ShadowsWithin said:
I figured you wpould automatically think his normal vocs not his falsettos.
I wasn't assuming you meant falsettos or just his normal singing. I was trying to figure out what you meant by warrell mistakes making him sound good. because I don't look at it as actual mistakes because he is pretty dead on but his vocals are definitely not what you're used to in that style of music or any which makes him very unique. He has a very dramatically strong voice yet there is a frailty about it that really speaks to you on a personal level. basically I understand what you were trying to say even though you worded it a bit off.
Calling the lead singer of a band a "joke" is respectful? That's cool, when did that start...

It's cool you dont' like the falsetto's Bluesky, but can you explain to me through musical theory why the falsettoes don't work "musically". I get your opinion, and I did agree with you when I first had the CD (I love the falsettoes now, I just wasn't big on his tone at first), so that's cool... But if you're going to say they don't work 'musically', tell me how they don't fit... Cause whether you like them or not... They're in tune, in the right key, and technically - there's nothing wrong there at all... To say you don't like the falsettoes is your opinion, to call him a joke is your opinion (whether it's respectful or not), but to say it doesn't work musically - you're making a factual statement... and unless I'm missing something - you're wrong.

*tuning in after a good night's sleep*

Thanks for getting the tone of the conversation into a more intelligent, civil manner. I would actually love to see the answer to Mitch' question too, because I can see where BlueSky is coming from, but I still don't experience it like that at ALL! So, carry on! :)
It's funny the vast amount of people these days impressed by extremes because people are ignorant and no one has the creativity to be tasteful anymore. Ok good example I saw nacho libre the other day and thought that it was hilarious and was amazed how funny a PG movie could be these days. Every-other comedy movie these days is rated R and has some retarded masturbation joke where some bodily fluid flies somewhere and sure it's kinda funny but it's not something with true value. If you wanna go to an extreme just be tasteful at least if you want actual intelligent people to take you seriously.


Well put, well put. I couldn't agree more. Even though I am a fan, Dragonforce comes to mind in a huge way! Its good to do what you do, and do it exceptionally well...I just feel like these days Roadrunner is using their 'extreme-ness' as their selling point. This is a tough subject though...when is extreme for extreme's sake too much. A lot of times, great ideas are conceived because of their 'extreme' nature. I'll admit to that. In this genre we crave the extreme, it keeps the genre moving forward. I suppose there are those that get hung up on this path and tend to let it overshadow their craft. I have always felt that Into Eternity are a band who's craft and artistry have never suffered at the hands of extremity for the sake of cheap promotion. I see this as a great album and an opportunity to keep pushing forward. Sure there are some new elements that are taking me some getting used to, but I feel that as a whole package, the new lineup, the album,the unrelenting touring schedule that they will most likely undertake, and the addition of yet another second guitarist are going to continue to mold this band's ever changing sound. With all this in mind I am already eager to see what the next album will sound like.
first off i'll say that in the topic title you said the vocalist is a joke.

second there is no need to discuss mainstream music and movies here. it isn't relevant. everyone knows that stuff is crap.

also the new album doesn't have crazy high screams all the time, it is only occasionally, so saying the singer is just a wank fest and such isn't applicable.

Mitch Fraser also described the difference between opinion and fact, something i tend to rant about cause i see it so often when talking with people in person and on boards.
So bascially what you are saying BlueSky is that tone and pitch are key in singing high notes and that the key doesn't matter? As long as the vibrato is in good standing? And you seriously think that Nevermore has an excellent singer?

Come over to my place and I'll give you a good ear cleaning. You're bashing one singer and praising another singer for the exact same thing! So which is it?

Do you want a singer to have a flawless voice or do you want them to have a little *imperfection*?

In any event, I like Stu's vocals (all of them), and think he did a great job live last weekend when I saw them in Cleveland... especially considering he was getting over a flu (I would have had no idea if Tim hadn't mentioned something onstage).

As for the Opeth comment somewhere above, I had the exact opposite feeling from when I saw them live at Gigantour a couple of weeks ago... The clean vocals seemed a bit off on some songs, but his growls were spot on throughout. In any case, overall, they did a fairly decent job, and his clean vocals seemed to improve past the first part of the first song, so maybe he just needed a little warming up.
zmetallica said:
first off i'll say that in the topic title you said the vocalist is a joke.

second there is no need to discuss mainstream music and movies here. it isn't relevant. everyone knows that stuff is crap.

also the new album doesn't have crazy high screams all the time, it is only occasionally, so saying the singer is just a wank fest and such isn't applicable.

Mitch Fraser also described the difference between opinion and fact, something i tend to rant about cause i see it so often when talking with people in person and on boards.
I apologize for calling him a joke; that wasn't right of me and I only meant certain aspects of his singing are cheesy.

Second there is a need to discuss other music and movies because there is a huge relevance. I feel that his vocals are being extreme for extreme sake and it just doesn't fit the song at all. the beginning of nothing..c'mon man it's excess and cheesy. and I have a huge tolerance for cheese. It's pretty clear to see it just doesn't fit the song at all.

Thirdly I'd like to state once again that the rest of the cd is amazing and I'm enjoying it greatly. :rock:

Now on the technical aspect I thought a moppet baby shrieking out falsettos is in bad taste and I personally think the tone sucks cuz it's way cheesy and I "assumed" people would understand where I'm coming from. But it's bad to assume things..yet I feel it's hard for some of you to express your true feelings for the matter because youre clouded simply because IE is such an amazing band.

Now I have a pretty good ear from playing 4 instruments and I know a bit of theory. I'm not going to say that I have a better ear than tim at all but here is what I think happend. After losing members he felt like he had to prove something not only to the ex members but the his fans and mostly to himself. He is of course baised and let that cloud his judgement. He wanted to show the singers range as a trophy and let him ruin parts of the song because of it. You should never let anyone go off if it's not productive to the song or simply doesn't fit the song at all. or maybe he just felt he needed to push to have the members push the limits because creativity wasn't flowing enough and it just didn't work for some of Stus stuff but he is also new to the band so I don't blame him at all too much. This may not be totally true but it sounds pretty right in my head of what happend.
After all this discussion, and observing everyone's bantering back and fourth I can't help but still bet annoyed with you, Bluesky, every single time you post. NO, not because you don't like certain parts Stu does. That's your call. I don't agree, but you are entitled to that opinion. I'm sure he doesn't give a rats ass if people don't like it.

But... you keep telling us your opinion as if it's fact. Even then I don't really care, you're just some dude on a message board, so it's not like I'm getting my shit tied in a knot over this. I guess it's just annoying because it feels like you're trying to tell them what to do. Or that what they did is, in FACT, wrong and should not have been done. That is retarded. That is the only thing that ever really got anyone defensive on this board and yet ya still continue to do it.

Some clarity, is all I ask. ;)
Hey Justin! What took YOU so long to appear here?!

I hope that by now everyone has said their thing *yawn* ;)

BlueSky, since you apologized about the joke part in the title, I took the liberty of taking it out, because it looks a bit nicer in the headlines that appear on the band website. I just put a newsmessage up that I'm not updating the site for the next 3-4 weeks and put the 10 most recent code underneath it (so people check the forum for news in the meanwhile).