This thread doesn't have to turn ugly, there isn't even a reason to debate, simply because:
If you are using pirated software commercially, you HAVE to buy them. It's common fucking sense goddamnit, don't make me swear! haha
What you do at home, in privacy, for yourself, non-commercially is neither mine, or anyone else's business, and in my opinion not even the companies' business. I don't see why Waves would give a fuck about someone who is trying their plugins the cracked way in his basement somewhere out in the woods in Canada. As long as he is not making money, he is not in the "game" or industry, thus nothing really changes. As soon as he makes money with that stuff though, he needs to buy the plugs just like a worker needs to pay tax, otherwise it slips into the criminal side of things.
With that said, I have no reason to be anonymous so I can tell you that I voted "Yes, I do use cracked plugins", but currently I'm only writing songs so I'm not really producing anything but when that is done and it's time for producing what I've written, I'm going legit. I have found a replacement for pretty much everything I use with free stuff and I will buy Reaper, but I still haven't solved my guitar tone on that matter. Not sure I'd like to buy Revalver just yet, since I've never succeeded in getting the tone I want from it... but in worst case I always have Wagner etc. and then either Captain Fantastic Metaltastic or GubbKuK can maybe do some reamping so that wouldn't be too big of a deal perhaps...