about a year ago i went from 100%pirate to 100%legit over the space of a few days 
i cleared out all my crack software and used Reaper and a bunch of freeware for ages. a few months ago i got sick of that way of working and bought Logic Pro 8, and i'm fucking delighted with it.
my motivation for going ligit was that i realised that if i ever made any money i'd need to buy all that software, which would be a hefty bill
i reckon if you wanna be taken seriously you need to behave seriously, even if your not a pro, pretend you are and buy the plugs you use.
I can also say that going ligit i learned far more about the software than if i had stayed pirating. first week i had Logic i spent hours every evening reading the manuals from start to finish. when i used reaper i did the same. when you pay for software you suddenly give a damn about it

i cleared out all my crack software and used Reaper and a bunch of freeware for ages. a few months ago i got sick of that way of working and bought Logic Pro 8, and i'm fucking delighted with it.
my motivation for going ligit was that i realised that if i ever made any money i'd need to buy all that software, which would be a hefty bill

i reckon if you wanna be taken seriously you need to behave seriously, even if your not a pro, pretend you are and buy the plugs you use.
I can also say that going ligit i learned far more about the software than if i had stayed pirating. first week i had Logic i spent hours every evening reading the manuals from start to finish. when i used reaper i did the same. when you pay for software you suddenly give a damn about it