This thought appeared suddenly in my mind!!


Little Grasshopper
Nov 16, 2001
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Long time has passed since I started my last thread. Now, I'm back again to bring you all another experiment-thread that could be funny if we put here the best of us.

You know everybody use to experience some sudden thoughts, dèja-vu, weird/unusual thoughts... The target on this new mission is to post here the first thought you've at the morning. The first thing crossing your mind in the morning should be arrested and driven here. I think it could be funny to know what in hell ppl think when the world of dreams is still nearby and your mind hasn't clarity enough. ;)

Of course, you can post here your dèja-vu, or curious thoughts. My thread is your thread...

|ngenius (mad scientist)
as you know, this happens when they change the matrix... :)
ehrm, but to not spoil your thread, here's my on-topic-comment: i experience déjà-vus quite often. they usually occur when i'm talking to someone out of my family. it seems to me that i had the current discussion before, and i know what they are going to say next, just before they do... very rarely i have the feeling i know a place where i was for the first time, but this happens very seldom... and i always connect to the place via a scene which happened there or a conversation which took place. it seems to me it's all based around talk.
dèja vus happen very rarely to me. when they do i recognize them immediately and promptly try to change something in the development of the events, but i can make it just once out of three, on average. this is somehow scary :s
the first thoughts i have when i wake up are "give some coffee" followed in close sequence by "where is the computer?" and i usually turn the latter on before going to the kitchen and make some coffee :D
I got deja vus quite often too, usually in new places and locations, but sometimes I get deja vu from smells and scents or they bring some (childhood) memories to my mind... Weird and even scary sometimes. :erk:
First thought in the morning is "Not yet!", and I'm very angry in the morning too. ;)
i don't wake up very often in the morning, because most of the times i don't sleep at night. in those rare occasions that i do, my first thought depends on the reason why i woke up:

if i've been awakened by someone stepping inside my room, the thought is 'kill the intruder quick';
if i've been awakened by someone sleeping inside my bed, the thought is 'what is this thing?';
if i've been awakened by a sudden noise, the thought is 'they're coming for me';
if i just wake up without a reason, then i have an hangover and the thought is 'what the hell did i drink last night?'

my second thought is 'i'm going to be a famous writer today'.
my third thought is 'i have to turn on my pc'.

there usually never is a fourth thought. :)

as for déja-vus, with me they are mostly related to places, but i don't have them very often either. i don't try to crack the code there, because i know i can foresee i tried to crack the code and succeded before. and this makes my head spin. :)

When I ask someone here does s/he get deja-vu's, the answer is no. When I come here DT-board, everyone gets deja-vu's. Pfth.

I also get deja-vu's very often, sometimes 20 in a row. It can be very annoying, scary but cool too. Usually I remember parts of a conversation, what others have said and done and what are they going to do next. It can be fun to say what your friend is going to say next :p I also have these that I'm 100% sure I've been in this place before, tho I never have been.

First thought in the morning...I don't remember excatly, but something very negative 'cause I'm very pissed off and cranky in the mornings :( :D
first thought in the morning is "i hate that bitch" and press the snooze button of my radio clock so i can sleep some more... until i get waken up by another bitch screaming some pop song exactly 9 minutes later. this behaviour loops sometimes up to 2 hours...
Originally posted by NicktheClayman
I woke up 20 minutes ago the first thing I thought of is "Why the fuck do I owrk so early?"

*scribbles a few notes*
and... let me see, mr. ... mr. nicktheclayman, yes... do you often experience speech problems in the early hours of the day? ;)

rahvin. (owrk rfeak)
Not really I usually dont remember what the hell I think about, but sorry abot the typo asshole ill make sure I fix that right away boss :p , prob having a cigarette and taking a piss? Yeah but I havr to go work, and I dont want to, those damn Amish!!!!!

Nick (still sleeping)

I had a dream where someone was trying to stab me, with a really tiny knife, and if the knife touched me I would die, so that sucked.
I used to have deja vous with music . I often felt, while listening to a new piece/song, that I've known them all my life. Sometimes it got scary.

I use my stereo as an alarm clock, and it ticks every time, just before starting to play the music. Somehow, I tend to wake up before the time due and ask myself "what happened to the music?".

Second thought: *frightened* "What time is it!?"

[fx:] Tick!
@VultureCulture: I think your dèja-vu of each morning is a quite logical dèja-vu, 'cos your first thought in the morning coincide just with your dèja-vu (and repeating each 9 minutes, I see).

@All: Well, let me explain myself: I tried to find all these weird/scary/strange/unusual thoughts you've when just awakening. You know, something such "My balls, my ballsl, hold tight the balls" (And you find yourself looking for a ball 'cos probably you were dreaming about a soccer match or whatever). Or the strange sensation when you're just in the shoreline between the dreams and the "reality", when the bed seems to rule you and your mind starts to look for the right excuse to avoid the working day.

|ngenius (the dreamer)
Its liek that everyday but money is more important than sleep at this point in my life, im not materialistic at fucking all, but bills gotta get paid.

I used to have alot of night terrors where you are sleeping and awake and try to move and yell but you cant, that sucks :(
first thought in the morning....ehmmmm the same I have when I go to bed....
second?....move the mouse to see if you have any mail....
third... the mail Then read it and reply Else write one

as for dejavus, had many and some really scary and true!! but haven't have one for long time now....
I'm always having deja vus with people I've never met, I feel like I know them and I can guess some things about them, it's a bit weird.
hmmmmm the first thought i have when waking up depends on which day of the week it is ...My schedule is fucked up...twice a week i wake up 6.00,twice at 8.00-9.00 and the rest is hmmm from 13.00- 16.00 (yeah i made the latter this Wednesday :D )
I always go to bed extremely late-nighttime is the best surfing time :rolleyes:
so when i wake up at 6.00 my first thought is "oh,fuuuuuuuuuck,it's already 6.00" and then i have my nice thoughts =)

the rest of the days my first thoughts have to do with my mail-mania *cough* ;) and like Roei "i usually turn the latter on before going to the kitchen and make some coffee"

I fucking hate when i wake up because of the phone (unless it is my two ultra-favourite people :),the one even gets some sadistic kind of pleasure when she wakes me up)

As for Deja-vous...I've had some and have sometimes...but i actually don't pay attention to them,and right now can't recall something really strange....i'm not really interested (on the contrary i'm interested in derams,slips of the tongue etc)

Originally posted by NicktheClayman
I used to have alot of night terrors where you are sleeping and awake and try to move and yell but you cant, that sucks
this is extremely scary :yow:
Something similar has happened to me twice...not waking up wanting to yell,but being half-sleepy half waky and feeling my whole body is frozen and couldn't move for a little while..I guess i had been sleeping in a weird position...these experiences scared the hell out of me :cry:

Furthermore,it is a bit scary when you are in the end of a dream half-awaken and feel that the dream is reality brrrr it's scary especially when i have stressy dreams
First thought when I woke up: "Why is my friend still on the god damn computer" yeah i know, its stupid but damnit I had to answer this thread :lol: