this tour is shaping up to be the best ever

I'm talking about the song "Are You There?", I'm pretty sure Danny said in an interview that it was partly about his mother, but he didn't want to talk too much about it, the very reason I remember is that it sort of surprised me.

But maybe you can help Danny understand what his songs are about.
It's about a lot of things... It's not ONLY about love, it's not only about his mother... It's about him. His life. It's like a mix... A mix of the very mixed up Danny. =)
Morpheus said:
It's not that worth a translation imo.
No it isn't. Most of it is just pretty poor...

"...zu der unerwarteten Erkenntnis kommen, dass besagter Frontmann nicht nur äußerst attraktiv sondern auch ein durchaus lustiger Zeitgenosse ist!"
Sounds like a groupie wrote it... :Smug:

"Ob es aber tatsächlich die weibliche Stimme der letzten drei Alben, Lee Douglas, war, konnte nicht ganz geklärt werden."
Bullshit. Of course it was Lee; they announced her each time she had to come on stage. :err:

"Als sich das Konzert dem Ende neigte, machte sich im Publikum eine gewisse Trauer breit..."
Really?! As far as I remember, everyone enjoyed themselves until the end - no sign of "grief" there at all... :grin:
toolsofthetrade said:
well in indeed - was thinking which piet mentioned he was aiming for
it was 'long' piet brinkman of eindhoven. stayed over at our house over ten years ago. top lad. mind you your all pretty sound in holland.:wave:
Cerulean said:
I know what the album is about. It's obvious indeed, and it feels like a concept, I think that's why the lyrics are in one sentence, I think it's a complete story.

I might be wrong.
i would be surprised and disturbed if anyone outside my close circle of family and friends know what some of the songs are about. are you there is only a partial reference to me old mum and none of the others are.
toolsofthetrade said:
ah must've been the lad looking all dressed up at the christmas gig eh? that guy can PLAY, damn, that voice as well... cheers
he did get up and sing but didnt play guitar i think your thinking of someone else.