this tour is shaping up to be the best ever

ok, no problem, i will take it down.
i was just doing it for you all as a favour, not for myself.
i really don´t wanna get in trouble just because i tried to do something good.
that review is bad like. he should talk about things that he knows about, not about a song that he thinks theyve played....
ok rrakli i know you didnt mean any harm... and cerulean i suppose you didnt either i just didnt like reading it. but after all, free speech and that..
i tell you what andy, our man les loves that song...he likes the james bond style chords... but each to his own. i personally thinks its good like.
pagan2002 said:
:p if you dont have something decent to say maybe you shouldnt say anything. you dont bother talking much in real life anyway...:loco:

Sorry I have to say that cerulean is right with this one. The original is great but the version you can hear in that bootleg is missing something...

It sounds more bluesy than the original version... but I think it is a bit too much. Too much gadgetry on the lead guitar, this doesn´t fit the mood of the song. ;)
Hey Danny, tell me once and for all, is America anywhere in your touring plans for this year? I would say Mexico but that´s too much to ask i believe :erk: . So please let us know hehehehe.:hotjump:
Cerulean said:
Hmm my excuses then Danny, maybe I should just have said "I don't like this song thaaaat much" :o
Anyway, tastes just differ.
fair enough it is your right to like whatever music you want. looking back i shouldnt let things like that bother hard feelings.:)