Those Thrash Metal bands...


or gtfo
Aug 30, 2010
Which are the Thrash Metal bands that you're still into? Or the ones which you recently discovered and think kick ass, just name them. :kickass:
I haven't listened to many of the mentioned bands! I should check them out.
I'm searching for the new ones which really play Thrash not trash, you know what I mean.
it really depends on what kind of thrash you're into, there's so many different styles and feels that just saying what's some good thrash could produce a list you couldn't get through in years.
I still listen to most of the thrash I listened to back in the late eighties. There's a few bands like Testament that I threw on the "mediocre" pile and sold their albums, but not many.
^^ Yes everyone has a different taste in music and maybe your fav Thrash metal band won't be my fav too, but seeing some bands being mentioned twice or more will make you check them out if you haven't listened to them yet.

^ There was a time I liked Testament a lot, but now I rarely listen to them.
my band is pretty decent, check us out, you may dig us:

in terms of other new good bands:
Warbringer (Waking Into Nightmares, not the first album)
Evile (Enter The Grave, not the new one)
Bonded By Blood (Feed The Beast, not the new one)

old bands:
Demolition Hammer (anything except Timebomb, a very groovy thrash with a hint of death metal, skull crushingly heavy)

Morbid Saint (really fucking fast and evil, their album Spectrum of Death is all they released but check it out, the demos are shit)

Epidemic (a fairly unknown bay area thrash band but their album Decameron I think it's called is really good, their album before The Truth of what will be (or something) is also pretty good but a bit more raw)

Devastation (Texas band, Idolatry is an insanely heavy album that rumbles along yet has super fast db; their other albums aren't nearly as good)

Razor (Shotgun Justice and Open Hostility are really good and aggressive, the earlier ones are just typical old school style thrash, not too great nor is Decibels)

To be honest those are the best of the old bands that I actually still listen to, I could name off a bunch more that are good but only those have regular rotation in what I actually play

Of course the big bands are still great but those are obvious:
blah blah blah
Violent Restituation is better than the 2 listed as well.

and fucking gross you named 3 of the worst modern thrash bands out there. I'm surprised you didn't name Merciless Death too. I really feel for people who think that is what thrash should be.
Violent Restituation is better than the 2 listed as well.

and fucking gross you named 3 of the worst modern thrash bands out there. I'm surprised you didn't name Merciless Death too. I really feel for people who think that is what thrash should be.

uh no. Warbringer developed their own style of death/thrash on their second album and Evile's first album is pure fucking metal. I do not like Merciless Death, Fueled By Fire or a lot of the retrothrash bands but instead of judging a band by a couple songs you've heard maybe you should check out all their albums and give them a chance instead?

Violent Restitution is good but Shotgun Justice and Open Hostility are where they really hit their prime and got really aggressive, I'm in the minority that likes their other vocalists vocal style better and I don't suck the dick of old speed nwobhm worshipping thrash.
What do you consider good then? To me those are the only 2 new thrash bands I really listen to (at least occasionally) out of all of them. Honestly I enjoy playing in my band which is mostly thrash (with some melodic/groove/hardcore/death metal aspects) but I feel more and more every day like all good thrash was sone being made by 2000; now it's just spinoffs or taking it and applying their own personal style or influences.

Since most of you guys are such negative nancies I'd love to hear what you think of my band. Even one positive response would be considered a win in my book; check out derealization, stunted survival, noetic affliction and invection on our page if you can.
.. your bands pretty good, i checked some stuff out from the Demented Perception EP, some good stuff... and i agree, Warbringer is a fucking killer band, Evile's first album is okay, second album is pure crap, Merciless Death and Fueled By Fire are two of the worst thrash bands iv heard in years, although some people are saying FBF new album is shaping up to be a good one(i doubt it)....

...and for Razor, id say Violent Restitution is their best album, i cant stand Bob Reid's vocals and the first time i heard the lyrics to most of the songs in shotgun justice i couldn't help but cringe.

also check out Hexen's State Of Insurgency, Vektor's Black Future, Skeltonwitch's Beyond The Permafrost, Witchaven's Terrorstorm and Fog Of War, all of those are some seriously good thrash.

edit: Oh yea, and i almost forgot, Dekapitator's The Storm Before The Calm belongs up their with the others i mentioned.
If I hear me some old Metallica a few times a year, I enjoy that quite a bit, from time to time.

Always love to hear Destruction - Infernal Overkill and Kreator - Pleasure to Kill and Terrible Certainty.

Bonded by Blood by Exodus.