Thoughts about CHARACTER

I agree with TheFourthHorseman about the comparative qualities of Damage Done and Character. The former is catchier and far easier to get into, but I for one didn't want to have another such album now - I wanted to have a more challenging, slowly opening DT-album with loads of stuff hidden beneath the various layers of original music. Character is exactly that. I don't think I could be any more satisfied with this album.

I say Lost to Apahty (yes, I noticed the misspelling too, but what does it have to do with greek puns, huh?) is the most boring track on the album - it has some great riffs, yes, but compared to the other songs it becomes quickly uninteresting.

@Scourge of Malice,
When i heard character for the first couple of times, i had the same impression about that record. the only song which was memorable was "lost to apathy", cause i already knew this song from the ep. The other songs just "went" by and afterwards i could not really remember details or keep them apart. The record just seemed like a bunch of thrash-riffs piled together at random to make a heavy and fast album, it did not really make sense. But i liked it since it was interesting exploring the complexity with each new listen and i felt some sort of quality. And it started to make more and more sense until i got the whole picture. Now i enjoy it a lot and the songs are catchy as hell and interesting,there is so much going on in each of the songs and now my first impression of the album does not make sense at all.
On the other hand, if you look closer at the Track "Damage Done" from the DD-Album, this song has very simple structure, just this standard thrash-riffing all over the song which is not very varied, and then the nice solo at the end. I mean, it is a decent DT-song but not really the most interesting thing they ever came up with and evenmore dissapointing since it is the title-track. (title-tracks have to be outstanding, metallica set the stage for this).
So i think Character beats Damage Done in terms of complexity and creativity.
how can you compare this now to metallica? do you think it has ANYTHING to do with DT when two guitars and one bass guitar play the same melody and a singer sings to that melody? i think no.
no, no, i dont think that DT are similar to metallica, not at all. I just wanted to say that a title track has to be at least one of the better tracks on an album if not the best. Thats my view on that title-track-thing and metallica are to "blame" for this. In my opinion and i guess many others think the same, the title-tracks on metallicas first albums such as "Ride the lightning", "Master of puppets" and "...and justice for all" are great epic songs, among the best songs on the respective albums. This is not the case with the song Damage Done, not that this song is weak, but monochromatic stains is so much stronger. A title track that is outdone by another song on the same album is just not how it should be. But anyway thats how see it.
Scourge of Malice said:
Well i'll definitely have to keep giving Character a chance :) It's a good album but I guess it just hasn't really pulled me in yet... Format C: For Cortex has just been owning me lately so I've been into DD a lot

Thats my favroite song on DD.
I just bought the album yesterday, inspired by the comments (both good and bad) from the people here. Very surprised at the sound of it all, as I didn't even hear Damage Done, so I could only compare it to other offerings the band gave us, especially Haven. Much more trashy, fast, and aggressive than Haven and Projector, that's for sure.

But let's stop comparing this last outing with other albums they made ; outstanding bands always evolve, rendering comparisons irrelevent. I really do enjoy the passion fueling it all, DT are definitely good at composing emotional music that's not cliché or too bombastic, and I believe, for the first few spins , that Character really delivers on that part.

To be honnest I am still at the stage where Lost to Apathy is the best one, as it is catchier than the rest, but I am totally conscious of the fact that this album is a grower that needs several listens before unfolding in appreciation.

My only complain I have for now, and I don't think it will change, is the keyboards that seem (on cheap speakers at least) really muffled in the mix, when you compare their majestic proheminence on Haven (I know, I said not to compare :P ). I really do think that their use of keyboards expends their sound in an interesting way, I think it's a shame that they were put so much in the back, although I really like the harshness of the whole thing.

Brief, more listens are definitely required ; normally this is the sign of a grand album.

Didl : I really don't agree with your statement on the album title/song quality requirement. An album, like a book, has to have a title that sums up the point or purpose of the whole package. In that sense, even if I never heard it, I can tell that Damage Done is a very evocative title for this type of band, and I am pretty sure that at least one of the themes of the whole record is regret, for example.

In that line of thought, could someone explain the idea behind naming the new album "Character" ? I don't reall get it, shame on me :P
grew on me a little more today..... "am i 1" and "my negation" are definitely some of the best tracks DT has ever composed.... theres still some shit on the album I can't stand though.. mostly some of the little keyboard interludes.. i dunno they just sound cheesy to me and I think some of those parts could be replaced with guitar and sound better.... also the techno/industrial samples have got to go... sound like linkin park :)
Didl said:
This is not the case with the song Damage Done, not that this song is weak, but monochromatic stains is so much stronger.

I disagree. To me, Damage Done is among the top-3 songs from the album (alongside with Hours Passed in Exile and White Noise / Black Silence), while Monochromatic Stains is only average by DT-standards (which is not to say it is bad).

And every single song on Character is better than Format C: for Cortex, IMHO.

Blue Moon said:
In that line of thought, could someone explain the idea behind naming the new album "Character" ? I don't reall get it, shame on me :P

Mikael has actually explained it quite thoroughly in some interviews, although I can't remember in which ones - check Gtranquillity's site, all the recent DT-interviews are probably there.

On a sidenote, I find it rather funny that some people think the keyboards on Character are too overused, while others feel they should be more prominent. Personally, I think they are just about perfect: nicely ever-present, but never to the extent of being annoying. I know it's all about tastes, but this time they really hit my tastes spot on. :cool:

nice album but the ep let me hope for something better;
it's a bit linear to me.
except for some, the songs look like each others.
Still, DT fucking kills everything on stage!
TheFourthHorseman said:
The problem with Damage Done is that there's not really a lot in it that I can go back to. The songs are more or less simple and Mikael's vocals are stable, for the lack of a more negative word. Some good lyrics, but that doesn't make great, Damage Done is good, but to me there's much more to discover in Character, and it keeps my interest a lot better.

thast alsow hat the band said in interviews that they wanted to make a more complicated record, DD was to easy to play and to listen
character should be an album which grows and where you find everyday something new

and thats what it is

by the way DD isnt bad
Well, after many listens, I know that I still need more in order to understand this great album. Truely an album that grows on you - which is my favourite type. Everything is great here: guitars, keyboards, vocals, drums, overall sound and songstructures. I also identify with many of the lyrics, and think that the design is really awesome.
It seems to me that the lyrics is some of the songs are dealing with the same subjects (like Lost to Apathy and Senses Tied) though I don't remember myself ever fully understanding DT's lyrics so I may be wrong. Or maybe the album has some concept that has something to do with it's title... I'm not sure...
Interesting to read about all the different views and opinions on the new album.
@ Blue Moon, sounds logic and i guess you are right, thats perhaps the purpose of a title-track. My view on that was never meant to be logic :)
I got somewhat stamped by the first metallica records and their use of title-tracks,and i always have that in mind when it comes to exploring a new album.
@Villain: I like "monochromatic stains" the most (only considering the Damage Done Album), cause of its very melodic feel, great soli in that one. Damage Done (the song) just offers too less variation for me. But again, of course i like the song.
haha, Format C:For Cortex has something about it that I just plain love.. its definitely one of my favorite DT songs :)

My Negation is fucking great.. I love riffs like the main riff and the verse one... and that main riff of Am i 1 just seems so different and cool.

I guess its not so much the fact that the keyboards are overused but its just that I really don't like most of the keyboard parts :)... I dunno I just get that techno feeling and it wierds me out haha