Thoughts of darkness


Jul 28, 2008
I've often wondered how Evergrey can be inspired to write such meaningful lyrics that can reach inside a person and give voice to things you've felt but couldn't put words to. Whats more, to do it with a near sense of beauty

This quote was taken from 'Abarat Book Two - Days of Magic, Nights of War' by Clive Barker.
"Why'd you want to sing about sad things?" Candy had asked him.
"Because any fool can be happy," he'd said to her. "It takes a man with real heart"-he'd made a fist and laid it aginst his chest-"to make beauty out of the stuff that makes us weep."

Tonight I found out that a girl I chased in college (unsuccessfully) went out with another friend of mine for a year or so. He split up with her, and less than a week later she jumped from tall building and died. I can't imagine what he's feeling, but I'm really shocked and quite numb still. I don't know what to think.

This is the sort of thing that gives a soul a certain amount of sadness, that feeling of sorrow that can't be faked and perfect inspiration for writing lyrics and music.

I can't help but wonder what has happened in people's lives to give them inspiration to be able to write songs like Every Tear That Falls, End of Days etc.
Yeah,also Tom was asked how he was able to make he's lyrics so believeable,and he said "it's not hard to make people believe somthing that is true",and he mentioned that he had a close family member pass away of cancer,so he,like you quoted,made beauty of that wich "made him weep."
I think it is a great way to relieve some of the pressure that is caused by such terrible things happening to you. I cannot speak for everyone, but I know I feel a lot better after writing down my feelings or thoughts on a situation that has either happened to me personally, someone I know, or something that I feel strongly about. I have almost 2 notebooks of lyrics and most of them are about personal tragedies/conflicts. Some of the ones I am most happy about writing have to do with people I care about being in difficult states of mind, relationships that have gone awry, one was about a friend of mine that hung himself, another was about myself dying, etc. At the end of the day, it feels good to pour it out on paper. It doesn't even matter if no one but me reads it. It just feels good to do it.