Thoughts on Transcendental on other forums


Sea of Tranquility
Nov 1, 2001
I've been trying to spread the word on Transcendental as of late, and I'm glad more and more people are taking note.

This is from the Meshuggah forum:

And this is from the Perpetual Motion board:

This is from Metal-Rules:

I also posted on the Opeth and ProgPower USA boards here on UM.

How about you guys?

Feel free to post links to To-Mera discussions on the WWW.

We have a 6 pages thread about the album on a spanish forum I use to write in. Reactions have been extremely positive so far.
Myself and a Finnish acquaintance just got a thread started on Within Temptation's forum. So far, only three of us...but I'm spreading the word and thus far it's all positive! :worship:

The link won't work so if you can be bothered (no point really) find your way to:

Within Temptation

Go to the interactive section, then the forum, then the English/New Music section.
Ahh, good stuff! Cheers guys :)

Looks like we got F'd in the A on the Meshuggah forum! I guess that some people are slightly too stupid (or lazy) to see past certain elements of our music and base their opinions soley on preconceptions. A shame. I'm sure we'd appeal to a few of those guys if they could be bothered to actually listen, but I won't lose any sleep trying to persuade them otherwise. People like that are just too set in their ways, despite how "open-minded" they like to think they are :)
Looks like we got F'd in the A on the Meshuggah forum!
And how! I think someone even got your name wrong and mentioned Ram-Zet instead. The only redeeming features of that thread were the links to the review and interview. Good interview, by the way!
Reminds me of all the elitism on SOT when it still existed and before everyone got banned.
Ahh, good stuff! Cheers guys :)

Looks like we got F'd in the A on the Meshuggah forum! I guess that some people are slightly too stupid (or lazy) to see past certain elements of our music and base their opinions soley on preconceptions. A shame. I'm sure we'd appeal to a few of those guys if they could be bothered to actually listen, but I won't lose any sleep trying to persuade them otherwise. People like that are just too set in their ways, despite how "open-minded" they like to think they are :)

True. I'm a massive meshuggah fan and I well enjoy to-mera. There's alot in to-mera that I'd compare to 'shuggah anyway, guess it must just be female vocals or the keyboards that give those shmeat 'eads an itch.

I think it's worth pointing out that the Meshuggah forum is filled with total elitists/trolls and pricks in general. I was on there shortly but just didn't enjoy the way alot of the regulars were being really alpha male-ish... despite being pretty retarded.
Too true. There are far too many know-it-all miscreants on forums about the place. :mad:

It's like an alternative disease to the ever growing chav syndrome.
Elitists......the new chav? Probably not, but I see more and more of them sprouting from wherever they form themselves.
I guess that's the dowside to communication on the internet.......a lot of people's egos get a chance to expand to some unhealthily huge size :rolleyes:
I'm a regular on the ultimate-guitar forums and if the opportunity arises (Discussion on British Metal scene, Progressive recommendations), I do praise Transcendental. I also made a To-Mera thread on a relatively small forum which i'm a mod on, in which you got surprisingly good feedback :)