Thoughts on Trump after his first couple weeks?

Maybe white supremacy central wasn't the best term to use. However, I firmly believe that both Bannon and Pence are believers in the values of the "alt right", more so Bannon based on the things I've heard about him. I wasn't familiar with him prior to Trump's administration, however I was familiar with Pence. He's been accused in the past of being a racist, even by the 7th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals. There was instance about maybe two years ago where he rushed to aid a prominently Caucasian town (about 95% white) in their case of dirty water. In contrast, a town made of nearly entirely minorities received nothing from Pence in the same scenario. It was an example of environmental racism on his part.

Just so we are clear I think you and I both believe in the classical definition of "alt-right" and not the hijacked version modern Republicans are using it as. People like Richard Spencer would fall under that definition (save the white race, etc... etc...).

So with that said I find it hard to really believe that Bannon, having hired both a Jewish person and a flamboyant homosexual (people who the alt-right wouldn't really associate with) while at Breitbart would fall under this category. My guess though is that he had no problem buddying up to them to gain power, which as far as I can tell is the real reason he was ok with letting their agenda slide in order to gain power.

And yes Pence is a cunt. I honestly hope Trump doesn't get removed from office and Pence is the reason.

I'm not insinuating that anyone that disagrees with the black president is racist. I am friends with numerous people that either didn't like Obama or didn't agree every (or most) things he did. Where it becomes a problem is where people use his race as a basis to judge him and his job as president automatically, which is something I see and hear a lot, at least in my area.

I'm sure people do, I doubt you will ever really see an end to racism. I'm just saying that a President being black has nothing to do with the job he does and assuming so just because you don't like the criticism is wrong.

On the subject of affordable care: What struck me the most as the most idiotic thing that ever happened in relation to the political realm in my lifetime is the simple misinformation people had in relation to Obamacare. There were literally people who were on the ACA who hated Obamacare and thought it should've been done away with.

I wholeheartedly agree that it wasn't perfect, I think even Obama would admit it. However, I hear so many stories of how many people it really helped, a number of which are personal friends of mine. One lady I know had a life saving surgery thanks to getting coverage from the ACA.

I really really wanted the ACA to be a good thing. Anyone who hopes a politician is going to fuck you is a bit of an idiot.

That said, as someone squarely in the middle class and at the median household income level for the area I live in I can tell you it has been a burden that gets heavier and heavier every year.

On lying presidents: It's very true that all politicians are full of shit on something. With Trump, the lies are........blatant. His lies aren't your usual political smoke screening. It's some pretty wild shit from him. Suggesting that he was wiretapped despite even the White House saying that there's no evidence of such? Really?

Oh yeah the dude seems to just spew nonsense on twitter. In some ways I find it entertaining, in other ways I kind of wish he would do the Obama thing and control his PR with utmost scrutiny while somehow still calling out the media on their bullshit. It seems a double edge sword, on one hand he controls the narrative with twitter, on the other hand we have to listen to him say things that make no sense and come off as embarrassing.

I've been trying my hardest not to comment too much on this whole fiasco because everywhere I look, it always ends in mudslinging and everyone getting their blood pressure as high as Whitney Houston and I usually shy away from it. However, Trump's presidency and his administration are like a bad car accident: One can't help but to look and comment.

The key is to not take shit personally. There is no reason to tie your identity to a political party.